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Tyler is the goofiest guy anyone will ever meet, hands down. This is, of course, except for when he's with his daughter. The more overprotective side kicks in and his jokes- while most of the time still present- lessen so that he has more room to be serious and provide Bella with the answers to all of her questions.

And people are always committing on this. Tyler wasn't angered by this at all; he loved Bella, it's just that he couldn't quite grasp the fact that some fans couldn't respect how he was a dad and that he wanted to act like one.

But for the most part, he was a goofball who spoiled his daughter as best he could.

Which is why he and Josh were planning what could quite possibly be the biggest surprise of her life.

It took a lot of convincing from a lot of people and now it was taking a long time, but Tyler wanted this so badly that he knew if he didn't go through with it he'd regret it.

"J, where're my dad's?" Bella asked. She just popped out of her bunk bright and early on June 15th, wondering about the bus like it was some kind of foreign land. She tugged down her old baseball tee and sat next to Jenna on the couch.

"Mhm?" Jenna hummed in response before remembering where Tyler and Josh snuck off to. "Oh, they're in the venue." The blonde-haired girl just kept scrolling through her twitter feed, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"But there's no show for a few days?" Bella questioned. It was the first break they'd had since their three days long one back at the beginning of May and Bella thought her dads would want to spend it with her. I guess not... she thought.

"Yeah, well. They're working on something." Bella rolled her eyes at the response and started making her way towards the kitchen.

The small girl pulled her phone off the charger and sighed as she opened her message app, instantly pulling up Brendon's conversation.

hey b. everyone here is so secretive. what's new with you aye

nothing much. boring old ohio

wow fun

you wanna ft ?



You're being secretive too stopppp

Sorry I'm not trying to be I'm helping my dad with something

I gotta go

i love you

Brendon hated the way he was acting towards his girlfriend; like a jerky fuckboy who was going to leave her soon, so that's why he made a lame excuse and said I love you before powering off his phone and going back to helping Tyler and Josh with the surprise, leaving Bella to fend for herself on the bus.

Or more like out of the bus.

She spent the rest of the day sitting cross-cross on the pavement outside of her almost-mobile-home-for-months, throwing rocks at the building, completely unaware that her boyfriend was no longer thousands of miles away, but instead feet away.

Home bound {adopted by twenty one pilots au} ✓Where stories live. Discover now