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Bella tied the laces to her sneakers and stood up off the dirty tour-bus floor. It was one of the first few days in a while that she could spend doing whatever her heart desired since there were no concerts for the next three days.

The meet and greet had run pretty late last night and considering how much Josh was complaining about Bella "not getting enough sleep", the girl decided against asking about her not-so-recent biological life. Despite wanting- no, needing- to know about her mom and dad, Bella didn't want her dads to get the wrong idea and think that she didn't love them like fathers.

They were fathers; nothing could change that. She loved them, but sometimes it's nice to figure out what tree the apple fell from.

There was a lot of talk before the family settled on what to do for the day; Bella was going shopping with Jenna. And the boys were going to head off to practice. Bella knew that practice was necessary for everyone to stay top notch at what they do, but she didn't know why specifically her dads needed it.

Tyler and Josh were working on something big. Something for their baby girl because she's been through a lot in the past few months. It was happening and nobody could tell Mr. Joseph otherwise.

"This better be interesting or I'm coming back here for a movie marathon," Bella announced to Jenna as they stepped out of the bus and into the blazing sun. Bella instantly pulled her sunglasses from the top of her head, pushing them in front of her eyes to somewhat prevent the light from blinding her.

She was suddenly all the more thankful for the denim shorts she had pulled on after finding out her leggings had a frosting stain on them. Thank god for messy eaters she thought as she pulled the bus door shut.

"Well honestly nothing can beat a movie marathon of Hunger Games but this'll be fun kid, enjoy yourself." Jenna laughed as she pulled Bella into her side.

Bella giggled but stopped once she felt her phone vibrating her back pocket. Jenna rubbed the girl's shoulder before letting her go.

"You're dad's are clueless." Jenna smirked over at her best friends' daughter. Her long brown hair and her big brown eyes seemed to be all the more beautiful in the hot, soon-to-be-summer sun. Bella's few freckles made Jenna smile, some how making her remember her childhood filled with sappy memories and stupid little games.

"A-what do you mean?" Bella questioned nervously. Her thoughts raced back and forth. Her hand hesitated to grab the I-phone in her pocket. The sweat dripped down her forehead even more profusely. She doesn't mean about the whole I-need-to-know-who-I-came-out-of thing right? Bella asked herself.

"Brendon." Jenna stated like Bella was ignorant. "I know you two are dating. It's so adorable." Jenna gushed. "I saw the text." Jenna added, causing Bella's face to go red.

Despite the embarrassment, Bella huffed out a sigh of relief. Thank God Jenna wasn't a mind reader.

The girl didn't even bother responding to that, let alone ask how Jenna had even caught as much as a glance at the text. She simply pulled out her device and checked it. It didn't even last 5 seconds.

Hey hi❤️❤️

"How does that lead you to the conclusion that we're dating?" Bella scrunched up her face in confusion. Girls texted each other things like that all the time so why couldn't her and Brendon talk like that and be just friends? It didn't make sense to her in the slightest bit.

"I don't know you're dating because of the text. I know you're dating because of all the little things." Jenna explained nonchalantly.

"Stop being vague. Spit it out." Bella whined like a child, stomping her foot slightly in the process. It angered her how everyone was able to figure it out besides the two people she cared about most.

"Oh relax." Jenna laughed.

In truth, Jenna found out that Bella and Brendon were dating a long time ago. She just felt like it was never really her place to say anything to anyone. Despite being Tyler's fake-wife and best friend, she thought that Bella's relationship was Bella's business and therefor she got to pick out who knew about it.

"It's the late night phone calls and the looks on your face. The look that makes it obvious you're in love. It's the way you've become so much more confident lately and how your style changed a little bit. It went from notice me to I get noticed on the daily. I can tell you get butterflies in your stomach every time you see that you got a text from him, and that you're counting down the days until his arrival. Every time an opportunity to talk about him comes up, you get bright red. Every time there's a song you know he likes playing in the store, you hum along. Every time we bring up something remotely related to him, you look like you melt.  You walk around like you own the place now, and I mean all of this in best way possible, by the way. But I can tell. You love him. A lot."

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