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Brendon and Bella's hang out session was cut short when all of the girl's best friend's older siblings complained to their mother that their little pest of a brother was making too much noise.

His mom sympathetically suggested that they go outside and play because it was a beautiful end-of-July afternoon.

So the two twelve year olds walked out of the house and down the block side by side.

"Now what?" Bella questioned as she kicked a pile of dirt that was in front of Mr. Murphy's lawn.

"I don't know, you're the guest. You get to pick."

Bella shrugged.

"We could go to my house so I'm not the guest anymore." She smirked.

"But your house is so far." He whined. Brendon was trying to stay serious, but it was barley working.

"It's three blocks away, Bren." Bella laughed at his laziness, but than another idea popped into her head. "Wait, do you not want to come to my house because of my dads?" Concern was laced through her voice as she quietly questioned the boy over the loud noise of the nothing that was July.

"No I love your dads. I would never not like them. They're great." He tried to convince the girl next to him who was watching the ground, that he did fact love her adoptive family, but he just couldn't. I suck at words. Brendon thought. And feelings.

"Oh ok." Bella replied. She was definitely not convinced.

"Come on." Brendon grabbed Bella's hand and pulled her across the street so they could make the turn than travel down the next block until they got to the girl's house.

"You don't have to-"

"I want to go. Besides, it beats hanging out outside. It's so hot." He complained while trying to cheer the girl up.

It wasn't working.

"Bella come on. I swear to whatever the fuck's up there," he stopped and pointed at the sky. "that I love your dads."

The two walked up the few stairs that led to Bella's front door.

"Fine get behind me." She demanded.

"Like hide? You're way to small. I'll get in the bush."

"What?" She laughed at him as he jumped down and landed on top of a thorn bush.

"Finally." He whispered.

Bella rolled her eyes and knocked on the door.

"Comin'" someone yelled, presumably Tyler.

The door shot open and Bella was engulfed into a giant Tyler Joseph hug.

"Dad!" Bella giggled as he backed off of her.

"Gahhh!" Brendon yelled as he jumped out of the bush.

"Hi Brendon." Tyler used that voice. That stupid dad voice. The one they use when they are done with everybody's shit.

"Hi Mr. Joseph!" He yelled obnoxiously loudly.

"I thought you kids were hanging out around the block?" Tyler questioned.

"Nah we got kicked out." Bella answered, looking over at Brendon and thinking he was going add something else.

"Okay, well we're just going to be in the basement. Have fun!" Tyler left and both kids looked at each other.

"Now what?" Brendon whispered.

"You're the guest." Bella chuckled and poked Brendon's side.

Greetings and salutations, the next chapter takes place a whole year later!!

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