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-Night Before High school-

What's the big deal?

You can't just not do your summer assignments

It's high school now babe

Never call me babe again

Bella looked over at her clock and saw that it was 8:02. Wow. She thought, how great.

You see, the first day of school is September second for our girl, otherwise known as 8/02.

Neither Brendon nor Bella wanted to go to the hell they called one of Columbus Ohio's many high schools.

Brendon and his ADHD always dreaded school. He was never able to focus. He could never sit still and was always getting yelled at for fidgeting. He tried his best, but he never did too well. In addition,  the seemingly never-ending classes just meant more time away from Bella.

Bella, on the other hand, was looking forward to school. Was. Not anymore. Not since those girls around the corner started giving her and Brendon dirty looks every time they left the house together. And every time she'd try to bike over to Bren's place, they would scream mean words and spit. It wasn't nice, but Brenden didn't even notice. Bella wasn't going to bring it up though. She thought it make her look weak, and who wants to be weak? Not Bella.

"Belle, you alright hon?" Tyler asked from her room doorway.

Bella was laying on her back holding her phone inches from her face, dropping it upon Tyler's arrival.

"Are you okay?" Tyler rushed beside Bella and held her to his chest. She was still insanely small so Tyler could hold her easily.

"Yea, Dad. That was nothing." Bella awkwardly laughed, crossing her fingers that A- Brendon wouldn't text her something inappropriate and B- that her dad couldn't tell that those girls were picking on her.

"Belle, you've been quite all week. What's going on?"

Here we go. Bella thought.

But what Bella didn't know was that Tyler thought that Brendon had done something to her. Not that he ever would, he just thought he had.

Both Tyler and Josh had known that Bella didn't have many friends besides Bren. They didn't mind as long as she had someone, but still. They had talked it over and they'd both concluded that Brendon had done something. Something that had hurt their babygirl. And they decided that tonight would be the night that Tyler asked her about it.

"Nothing. Just..." Bella quickly tried to come up with an excuse. "I'm scared to go to high school." Complete fib.

"Oh." Tyler felt like he could breath again. "Okay, well I promise you, it won't be bad at all. It'll be easy and fun. And you're going to make so many friends." He smiled.

"You believe me?" Bella asked softly. She probably shouldn't have. But than again, Tyler and Josh probably shouldn't have set up an old baby monitor in the corner of the room so that Josh could listen. Typical twenty something year old dads.

"Why wouldn't I? Of course I believe you. I love you Bella." Tyler kissed the top of the small girl's forehead and left the room.

Once he was far out of sight, Bella started thinking about how right smack in the middle of the word Believe was lie.

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