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Brendon and Bella walked up to the house's front door hand in hand, shivering in the November wind. Why was it always so cold?

"You ready?" Brendon looked to Bella. His hand moved up to the door, but he wasn't going to push it open until she answered.

She just nodded. There was yet another lump in her throat that she was trying to swallow.

"Okay than." Brendon took a deep breath, hoped for the best, and than pulled Bella into the house.

Both kids were instantly hit in the face with a wave of a strong scent of alcohol and blasting music.

There's so many kids. Bella thought, instantly thinking that all of them wanted to punch her in the face. That's how it was now. Thanks to those girls, everywhere there was people, she thought they wanted to hurt her. Even if her dads would come too close she'd get scared.

"You okay?" Brendon asked over the loud music. He'd felt her tense up making him start to worry.

"Yeah." Bella laughed, but she wrapped both of her arms around one of Brendon's.

"Hey! Watch where you going, bitch." Bella felt something ram into her back. She jerked forward a bit, but Brendon helped her back before she fell to the ground.
It was one of those girls. Bella knew just from the voice.

Brendon pulled his arm away from Bella.

Walking up to the girl, in truth, Brendon was scared. He could tell that the girl was slightly drunk. Anything could happen, but sober Brendon is best Brendon. So without any liquid courage, he kept inching closer and closer to the girl.

"What was that for?" Brendon pointed his finger out to the girl and furrowed his eyebrows.

Brendon was beyond mad. He was furious; as soon that girl pushed Bella, he knew why she'd been keeping quite for the past few weeks. It was this girl. Bullying her.

But so was this girl. She didn't know why she hated Bella so much, she just did. She seemed to have everything. Parents that loved her, friends that didn't only want to talk about other people, she looked like the type of family to have dinners together every night and everything else this girl didn't have. Jealousy? I think it was more than that. Jealousy was what Brendon felt towards Ryan when Bella walked to math him, not what this felt like.

But it doesn't matter what she feels, just what she dose. She forced the rest of the girls that followed her around like lost little puppies to bully Bella.

"Awe, you need your stupid brother to fight your battles for you?" The girl slurred. Bella just stayed behind Brendon whose back was turned to her and whose red face was facing the other girl.

"I'm not her brother, and trust me, I'm only doing this because if I let her  fight you, you'd die."

"Pft. I doubt that. And if you're not her brother what are you?" The cup that the drunken girl was holding was starting to empty out from how hard it was being shaken.

Brendon turned his head and looked at Bella. Her eyes were wide. She was absolutely shocked at what was going on. How is this happening? Bella thought. Why to me? Why now? The whole scene just proves more that the party was a bad idea from the start.

"Her boyfriend, you cum dumpster." Boyfriend. The word lingered on Brendon's tongue like nothing else ever had. It made his stomach ache, but in the good way.

Perhaps Brendon should have thought about the outcome of using the word before he did. But that's Brendon for you. Maybe he shouldn't have thought that this would make her go away. Why would it? Maybe he thought it would make the girl afraid? That's obviously not what happened though.

"You bitch!" The girl screamed. Thinking this was targeted towards him, Brendon started to pull his arm back to punch but Bella grabbed his arm before it hit the girl.

"Bren," Bella whispered so quietly only he could hear. "She was talking to me."

His face went pale.

Yeah he knew that this little idiot was picking on his friend, but it still came as a bit of a shock to him. His Bella was hated by four. How?

"You get everything you want! How?" It was more of a demand than anything.

People were starting to stare now. The music was lowered a bit. The majority of kids stopped dancing. Some of the yells had stopped.

"Your frigging dad is Tyler Joseph!" The girl was slowly starting to get closer to Bella. And so was Brendon. He was walking backwards holding out his arm to try and protect Bella from being murdered that very night.

If you were there to see how mad this idiot was, you'd understand why both Bella and Brendon thought that Bella was going to get killed.

There was few "Oh that's who her dad is?" and "That's why he looked so familiar" but overall a lot of "Who?"

"Put your hand down." The girl didn't look away from Bella as she slapped Brendon's arm down from in front of Bella.

"Wh- okay." He backed away. He shouldn't have. But he did.

And that was when Bella's world came crashing down.

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