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Brendon ran into Bella's humble abode just like it was an episode of Full House. The door was open and he just waltzed right in.

"Where are your dads?" He demanded, walking closer to the girl on the couch who was snuggled up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate.

"Studio." She replied after swallowing a mouth of her favorite piping hot not-so-seasonal drink.

"Good." He answered before sitting next to her and laying his head on her lap after she put her feet on the floor and her mug on the coffee table. "I don't think I'll be able to come on tour 'till after finals."

"Aww." Bella's mind instantly left the room and looked for a way to force the parents she knew weren't allowing him to go because of grades to change their minds.

Brendon sighed.

"You know what?" She realized that maybe he needed more cheering up right now; Bella wasn't self-absorbed, but he had nothing to be happy about with her gone and she was well aware of that. What would he do? Talk to Ryan? No. "It's better this way. School's more important then you and me sitting on a tour bus bored out of our minds." She smiled. "And Jenna'll probably bother me less by then anyway."

Ah yes. Jenna- Tyler's ever-loving fake wife. The one who bakes 24/7 and walks the Earth like the goddess every 12 year old aspires to be. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were something Tyler definitely felt guilty about faking possession of and something that he was always assuring Josh weren't stealing him away from him.

"Ugh. Still. You'll be gone forever."

"It's only a few months." She reached over to grab her mug. "Drink." She held it over Brendon's head and he reached up to take it from her.

"No way, it's spring."

for my next book, would you want a preference and one shot type thing or an x reader fic?

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