
525 19 36

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^note: not edited yet^

A week had gone by of declining health and meds that were practically forced down the poor girl's throat. Brendon had gone home once but it was only to say hi to his dad- which Mark actually made him go do. The only other times he left the house were to practice with Tyler and Josh's crew for the next show.

He spent his nights sleeping on the floor beside Bella who was now stuck to the couch. She could barely get up for anything besides the bathroom, but even that was a battle. She tried to do it on her own, but Brendon was 5 steps behind her waiting to catch her if she fell backwards. Which obviously was inevitable and always occurring.

But not today.
Today was the last hometown concert of the tour.
It was an added date that was part of a birthday gift and also added just because they sold out the first hometown shows of the tour and wanted everyone to get a slice of the action.

For some reason Bella was bursting with energy and bouncing off the walls again. She was all smiles and for whatever reason, could walk straight and wasn't at the point where she didn't even have the strength to laugh. Apparently she decided today wasn't a good day to die or something.

"Bub," Brendon started. "I'm preforming today again." He smiled. "Ready for some new songs?"

"Yea, only if they're good." She teased with looking up from her breakfast. She was eating solid food; Frosted Flakes that probably were stale but still eating them, which was good.

"They're always good, wifey." He kissed her forehead and grabbed her backpack. They were getting in Jenna's car so that they could drive over to the venue now instead of hanging out in the house all.

"Mornin' sunshines." Mark laughed as he entered the room drinking his coffee happily. "Happy birthday, kiddo. Excited to see dads?"

"First of all, it's 1pm, not morning. Secondly, thank you, old man. And third yea I guess I kinda missed them." She shrugged.

"Kind of?" Brendon mocked. "You cried over them 2 days ago."

Bella elbowed him hard in the rib cage.

"Ow, okay sorry. I cried over them 2 days ago." Brendon stated sarcastically as he rubbed the now-bruised spot on his ribs where he just got attacked.

"Are you guys coming?" Jenna yelled from the doorway. She'd angrily gotten up from the driver's seat in the car after 10 minutes of just sitting there all alone.

"Shit, sorry. Yea." Mark shot up and grabbed his shoes, Bella and Brendon doing the same.

They jogged out, everyone feeling good. Especially the birthday girl. She picked a good day to be alive.

Brendon and Bella sat on the couch with their fingers intertwined, both being smothered by undesirable feelings of not knowing what to do.

"Just... oh! Let's go live on instagram!" Bella squealed as she picked up her phone and it held it up to Brendon.

"Okay." He took the phone, put in her passcode and went live after the app checked his connection for almost a full 3 minutes.

Home bound {adopted by twenty one pilots au} ✓Where stories live. Discover now