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Both kids sat on the couch staring at each other for minutes. Brendon was looking at the cuts on the girl's thigh from the sidewalk she had recently fallen onto. Bella was looking at the boy's hands that were nervously moving around, Just like dad when he's tense, Bella thought, referring to Josh.

The wind and rain was getting worse. Coming down harder and swirling faster and faster. It was making Bella and Brendon, Brendon and Bella, more anxious.

"Are you sure you fell?" Brendon asked, scooting a bit closer to Bella who was sitting at the other end of the couch. "You can tell me you know." Brendon didn't actually know what he thought Bella kept insisting of falling, but he knew that wasn't all it was. They both did.

"Damn Bren, wish you cared this much about everything else that goes on in my life.''

As if I don't. Brendon thought.

Bella probably would've found it creepy if Brendon just flat out told her that he thought about her every single second of the day now. Everything mattered. Everything. Weather she'd eaten enough lunch or if she made sure to avoid that mean teacher that dress coded her a few years ago, not that there even was the slightest chance that she'd be at the high school. He cared now. Not that he didn't before. He just cared even more now.

"What do you wanna do besides stare at my face, idiot?" Bella stood up and her shorts went up too. Not up, to be exact, but they moved into a position that was good enough for Brendon to see even more scratches invading the back of Bella's leg. Brendon so desperately wanted to know the truth, but obviously he decided against just asking her and chose shaking his head instead. "Quit staring at my ass Bren."

Bella started laughing.

Brendon did not.

"You cursed again." He made no effort to put any sort of emotion into his sentence what so ever. "And I wasn't staring at your ass, I was looking at your cuts." He huffed out the air that was starting to build up in his lungs.

"What?" She turned around and around like a dog trying to get their tail. "Dude, hang on... what?" Her hand went down the back of her upper leg. The wrong leg, I might add.

The boy watched the girl's hand move so smoothly down her leg- for some reason it angered him that she was unable to find the scratch on her own.

"You know what Bella, maybe I should just go." He went to get up from the couch but Bella blocked him from going anywhere. Brendon fell back onto the couch out of surprise.

"No don't leave. I promise I'll try to be less clumsy." She played with the hemming of her too-big, gray sweatshirt that stopped just where her shorts began. "Please?" She begged. She refused to make eye contact with him as she spoke.

"Belle, sit down." He patted the space next to him on the small brown couch. Bella just stared at it as his hand moved up and down. It stopped patting the couch and just stayed in it's place. She finally looked him in the eye and he looked sad. Really sad.

So Bella went with trying to be a good friend and hesitantly taking the seat next to him.

Brendon was going to ask her to clarify how she got the cuts. Going to make her tell him her crazy thoughts that he just knew were starting to stray from positive... again. Going to make her explain everything that she was keeping bottled up. Going to make her spill the beans. Going to open up another can of worms. Going to make her talk it out with him. Going to.

But instead all that came out was "Come here." As he opened up his left arm so that she could collapse into his chest and cling onto him as she hopefully talked to him finally while he wrapped his arms around her and held her.

But that didn't happen. Bella refused his offer of tying to help her. She cleared her throat and stood up from the couch and in effort to make things less awkward, she went to kitchen and just called to Brendon, asking if he wanted Oreos- something Bella always did when she was nervous.

Now I'm not saying Brendon's a bad friend, but he'd never really picked up on the Oreo thing...

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