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"I can't believe it's your first day of kindergarten already." Tyler told Bella as he handed her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Tyler was the better sandwich maker.

The family of three had moved to a new home after the baby had turned three. There seemed to be less and less room in that apartment as the days went by. A house was better for them anyway. Bella got her own room, there a was a better sized kitchen table instead of the one for two in the apartment, and Josh and Tyler got a basement for their instruments.

Oh I forgot to mention, they're in a band together. Twenty one pilots. They're currently working on their third album. It's cool.

"T-thank you daddy." Bella stuttered as she put the sandwich in her Thomas the train lunch box.

Tyler knelt down in front of his baby who he thought was growing up way too fast.

"Are you scared?" He asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder. He stifled his laughs and look her in the eye.

"Nope." She smiled at him. "Can I bring Fluffy?" She asked curiously.

Fluffy is Bella's goldfish, by the way.

"You're fishy?" Tyler loved this little girl so much. Her innocent little eyes and unknowingness was adorable. She was precious.

She nodded vigorously.

"I don't think so. He might fall out of his water."

Tyler was never really the mean parent. Josh wasn't either, but Tyler never said no. He just worded his phrases differently. He'll come up with excuses. For example, when it starts to get dark and Bella and Josh are outside playing he'll say, maybe you should come inside. We can color.

"Morning." Josh said while ruffling his own hair, than Bella's.

"Daddy." Bella hugged Josh's leg. She was still real small for her age.

"Hello sunshine." Josh started to make himself coffee. To be honest, he didn't even remember the first day of school was today. Everyday felt like summer here.

"Dunshine." Tyler whispered under his breath.

"Hm?" Josh asked without taking eyes off the coffee pot.

"Nothing." He lied. "Mornin'." Tyler planted a small kiss onto Josh's lips and brought his attention back to Bella.

"Come on Belle." Tyler grabbed her hand as she let go of Josh's leg.

Josh sat down at the table and drank his coffee, staring out the window and the sunrise as he did so.

"Dadaaa." Bella whined as she threw herself onto her bedroom floor. Tyler was trying to pick out something that wasn't a My Chemical Romance shirt that he gave her or a pink sweater that either Tyler or Josh's Mom gave them. What was up with their obsession with the color pink?

"Yes babe?" He didn't turn around from the closet.

"Can we eat pasta?" She moved her legs and arms as though she was making snow angles on her carpet.

"Maybe tomorrow night okay kiddo? Here put this on." He tossed her a pair of black leggings and a plain blue hoodie.

She shoved on the clothes and brought her pajamas to the hamper. Bella tried her best to be an independent kid, even though sometimes she couldn't reach or didn't understand.

"Belle, come here." Josh said. She could practically hear the smile.

"Ok." She ran down the hallway and watched her feet causing her to be unaware of where she was going and making her bump into Tyler.

"You're okay." He laughed and picked her up.

She leaned her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Ready to go?" Josh asked.

Both of her dads were a little bit anxious. I think any parent would be, but these poor boys are still only 26 and 25 year's old. They were always second guessing their decisions as parents and thought they never really were doing it right (no matter what it is they're doing).

"Giddy up horsie." Bella told Tyler while letting out a yawn. She remanded on his chest; Tyler barely even knew she was there.

"Josh grab her bag? I'm bringing her to the car."


Josh drove, Bella sat buckled in the back and Tyler sat in the passenger seat. Both of Bella's dads walked her to the door, the teacher asked if they were her older brothers, and after they explained their situation then ran back to the car.

"Ty... I think we need to talk to Bella."

"'Bout what? She's five." Tyler laughed.

"No I mean, uh. Like she still doesn't know about how she's like adopted and I-I don't know. Don't you think she'll start to wonder why she has two dads and no mom?" Josh asked. He leaned his elbow on the steering wheel and faced Tyler.

"Well. It's never bothered her before, right?"

Josh wanted to know why he just said that. Of course it's never bothered he before. She's still young and innocent. How could she have known that it is 'wrong'? In some straight people's eyes at least. 

"Bella doesn't know that other kids have a mom and a dad. She's barely even been out of the house, Tyler." Josh was fed up at the moment. Not with Tyler. Just his thoughts. Why does it matter so much? It doesn't.

"Well if she asks we give her answers, that's all."

Josh nodded and tried to think about something else.

Hey hi! Um next chapter will include 6 year old Brendon Urie? Okie bee bye

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