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It was no longer September. Now it was nearing the end of November. The bullying had gotten worse. It was now getting really physical and Bella had to wear sweatshirts and pants everywhere she went just to cover up her bruises. 

Brendon's feelings for Bella were growing with every waking minute. And Bella was starting to like him back.

Bella's dads were only starting to question Bella a bit more. As a result of not wanting to open up to them and make things worse, she was becoming a little distant from them. They hadn't noticed yet, but they will soon. Bella knew.

"So you make me feel bad just to come to a stupid party?" Bella fired back.

"Please? It'll be fun. And it's Friday. We always hang out on Friday's. Also, have you ever even been to a party." Brendon begged.

"Yes. With you. Like thousands of times. Come on let's just catch a movie or something." Bella crossed her arms over her chest. The two had just gotten home after a long hardy day of ninth grade and were sitting on Bella's bed. Her dads weren't home yet so it was still okay for them to be in a room alone together.

"You're so boring. No, we're going to a party. I'm forcing you."

"Why?" Bella stuck out her bottom lip in mock sadness as she collapsed onto Brendon's lap. "Please don't make me."

"Bellaaaa." Brendon whined. "Please? I swear, as soon as you feel tired or I don't know, uncomfortable I'll bring you home, alright?" He smiled down at the girl who was looking up at him from his lap. "Alright?" He repeated, this time more softly.

Bella nodded.


Suddenly something else jammed its way into Bella's head. Bad thoughts. They were back. Of course they were. They'd been trying to take over since the girls started tormenting her more.

"Bren..." Bella didn't want to keep going until he answered.

"Are you okay? You look a little sick."

Bella nodded and gulped.

"Bren, " she started again. "Who's going later?" She asked, trying to push the huge lump in her throat down a bit.

"I don't know." Brendon rolled his eyes.


"Probably Ryan Ross. That kid you used to obsess over." Brendon didn't look too sarcastic.

"Walking with him to Math class doesn't make me in love with him Bren." Bella tried to smile, but she only felt like crying. What if those girls showed up? Would they hurt her? Or dump ice down her skirt? Or something worse? What if they cut off her hair when she wasn't looking? Who knows what they would do.


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