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Brendon sat across from Bella on the floor uncomfortably. They were just staring at each other for the past 5 minutes, and take it from me, it wasn't easy for Brendon to keep his eyes locked with hers for that long. He felt an overwhelming need to get up and dance and scream or do something to get all this built up energy out. (You see, he hadn't taken his ADHD meds yet that day).

The fact that they were sitting in silence just made it even worse for him. He really felt the need to scream something insanely stupid but he was once again resisting it out of respect. Bella would've been fine with it, it was her dads that he was (constantly) worrying about.

Bella squinted her eyes at the boy and coughed both loudly and violently.

He looked away and up at the window- which revealed a rainy morning- during the spilt second that the girl had her eyes closed for. They both looked back into each other's eyes, though, as soon as her coughing fit became deceased.

Brendon looked down at the girl's chin and made a face at it. Bella just scrunched her nose up before, for the first time that morning, started actually talking to him.

"What?" She snapped angrily.

"Y-you just have b-" She cut him off nastily, however, and scowled as she did so. It was almost as if the girl was growling at poor Brendon

"I know that you know what's going on with my dad." She spat. "You have to tell me." She ordered.

"No I-I don't know but I think that you need to-"

"Yes you do. You know and he probably told you that you're not allowed to tell me." She shook her head and glared at the stupid boy across from her.

All the girl wanted to know was why her dad- Tyler- had been avoided her and Brendon for the past week. She remembered how he let them order a pizza the last time they actually talked. And she remembered that she walked in on Tyler and Brendon talking, but she couldn't remember what exactly they were saying.

She had no clue what Tyler said to Brendon or vice versa, but Bella figured that it probably had something to do with the avoiding that had been going on.

"Look," Brendon stood up and walked behind Bella. He placed his arms under hers and properly pulled the girl up from the floor and spun her around to face him. He placed one hand on each of her shoulders and stared into her eyes. "I know nothing." He didn't even feel the need to look away anymore. "But there's blood on your chin and you need to tell-"

"No there's n-" she attempted to cut him off, but he started talking before her words could transform into a real sentence.

"Without cutting me off," he smirked. "You need to tell me how that happened, because I know that it's not the first time you've coughed up blood, bub." He frowned at her, now completely upset with the way that he was acting. He really wished he could punch the guy that just smirked at the girl.

She looked up at him with big, sad eyes. He looked back down at her with the same look on his face and the same uneasy feeling in his stomach. Bella collapsed onto the boy's shoulder in defeat and just sobbed.

"Yeah." He whispered as he looked up towards the ceiling in order to hold back his own tears. Suddenly it was no longer funny to him how much his relationship with Bella was like a sappy rom-com.

Brendon rubbed circles on the girl's back, doing his absolute best to comfort her.

He was now 100% sure that Tyler Joseph had somehow already won the world's best lier award.

The girl's arms tightened around Brendon's waste as she "ugly-cried" into his sweatshirt. She squeezed her eyes shut and scrunched up her face, only hoping to never leave his arms.

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