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                "Yea nice," Bella added, continuing to get annoyed with her dad. "Can we go to the pool after breakfast though. I haven't gone swimming in years."

"Okay. First of all, it hasn't been years and I guess you guys can, but we have to-"

"No." Tyler casually yelled at his boyfriend and daughter as he slammed his tray of food onto the table. He plopped himself down next to Josh after he pulled out a chair for Jenna to sit next to him on.

The gang was in the hotel's lobby happily dining on their complementary breakfast buffet foods at 9 am. Jenna was way past tired, Brendon's eyes were bloodshot, and Josh was just grumpy. Bella, on the other hand, was absolutely bouncing off the walls. Sleep deprivation has an opposite effect on her for whatever reason.

"What?" Bella, Brendon, and Josh asked at the same exact time before sharing laughable looks with each other but not laughing at all.

"What?" Tyler asked. "It's a germ-infested piss-pool. That's disgusting, you don't wanna swim in that." He stated with a weird look on his face and a mouth full of pancakes.

"Uh alright. But since when do you care about germs?" Bella quizzed as she peeled back the cover on her raspberry yogurt container and tasted it with her pink plastic spoon.

"Uh since ever." He clarified while waving his fork around and spitting pancake on Josh a bit who made a show of wiping it off himself; to which Brendon made fun of- in his head.

The two kids sitting across from him shared a mischievous look and giggled.

"Tyler, what?" Jenna asked with a laugh.

"I KNOW THAT I CAN'T WATCH YOU MAKE MY FOOD DROP IT ON THE FLOOR I THINK IT'S RUDE MAN I REALLY LIKE TACO BELL!" They both screamed at the top of their lungs causing heads to turn from every corner of the elderly-infested room. Nobody was too fond of the outburst expect for two girls in the corner with brightly colored hair who caught it on video. They were big fans of the alternative duo and the still-undercover relationship of Bella and Brendon.

"Is that really necessary?" Tyler whispered aggressively at the two as they laughed harder than ever. "There are people in here!"

"Oh and germs!" Brendon yelled. A hand rushed to his abnormally large forehead as he threw back his head and pretended to cry. "Oh no. Bella, you'll die!"

The teenagers laughed.
The adults did not.
The girls in the corner squinted over, trying to see what was happening and why their favorite humans had suddenly change moods when they blinked.
The people sitting at the tables on either side of theirs were staring.
Bella stopped laughing.
Brendon's face went red.

The only thing you could hear was a baby crying across the room and forks scraping against plates all around them.

There's something wrong Bella thought, her breathing quickening as her leg began bouncing up and down faster than the speed of light. Brendon grabbed her hand off her knee and held onto it. She shot him a shy smile as she also went red in the face.

"Uh." Josh started.

"So," Tyler added.

"Bella, don't you have to pee?" Jenna cocked her head towards the door as all 3 boys looked at her weirdly.

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