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Brendon groaned as he watched the cars zoom past from the floor underneath his hotel room window.

Today was the day he'd finally get to help Tyler and Josh pull this off.

Except he was nervous as hell.

And it was 3 in the morning so he couldn't really do anything at the moment.

The city lights down below were fuzzy and the people inside the cars seemed to be unaware of tiny little Brendon who was sitting patiently next to his window, waiting as the hours slowly went creeping by. There were few people out and nearly every single store was closed, but Brendon felt like he was being crowed by people.

He was all alone in the hotel room; an open suitcase in the corner and some clothes scattered around it, one king-sized bed, a tv, still full mini fridge, and his giant bathroom being his only company.

His elbows were on his knees, his forehead pressed up against the cold glass. His phone was faced-down next to him along with a half eaten bag of m&ms and a water bottle.

He was texting Bella all day today. She got mad about him being secretive twice and forced him to FaceTime. Brendon panicked and hid in the bathroom to make it less obvious that he was in the venue across from her bus.

He understood completely why Bella was getting so upset with him, but he wished she wasn't. No, he whished that Tyler's surprise hadn't required him to act like he was going to drop the girl any second now.

Bella was rolling back and forth in her bunk, unable to sleep as well.

She was excited for the concert tomorrow. Her dads hadn't played a show in a hot minute and she was ready to get into the pit today. She normally wasn't allowed, but Tyler agreed today.

She was a bit anxious, what with feeling left out lately and all. Her whole entire being was determined that she was being kept away from something at the moment. She felt so mixed between the whole "I'm adopted and wanna know who my parents are" and the "my boyfriend and my dads are being secretive and probably planning to have me ambushed by aliens or something." What? She's really imaginative.

And so at the exact same time, the restless boy and girl sent a text with the exact same words.

"Sorry if you're asleep, but I miss you."

How coincidental?

Not really. The two think exactly the same, I promise. Well that's not entirely true; Brendon's mind is definitely dirtier. But this isn't the first time they've sent the same text to the other, seriously.

The moonlight shone through the window just beside Bella. The light reflected onto her body and have her a very grungy vibe. Brendon would've laughed at the sight- not his Bella.
No sir. She was definitely not apart of that ripped jeans wearing, tattered converse buying, cigarette smoking, leather jacket owning community.

If anything, she'd be apart of a G version of the soft grunge family.

Bella didn't know where her mind was going; it was 3 AM on a rainy Friday and she was feeling all alone.

She let her eyes wonder back to the screen where the texts were planted.

oh wow i love you

what time is it by you?

and i love you to b


AM? Here too!

Brendon panicked as he realized that that just might give away how weird it was that the two were at the same time when he was supposedly in Ohio and she was in Los Angeles. However, he ended up making things drastically worse.

no pm lol

I'm pretty sure it's not 3pm there but I'm too tired to even check

So anyway what's new?

Not much. Got to go bye.

He only said goodbye out of his sheer fear of messing up yet again and accidentally telling Bella that he was in the hotel room down the hall from Mark (who was supposed to be sleeping on the bus but didn't wanna leave the kid alone), waiting for 6 pm to come ever so patiently.

Bella laid on her stomach and watched as the light reflecting through that stupid window moved when she moved her hand in and out of its path.

A part of her wanted to leave the bus and go on a hunt for her birth parents (and of course walk back to Ohio to see Bren), but another part of her just wanted to hug Josh and Tyler at once.

Something felt off. Her body felt immobile, he hands nearly numb, and her stomach, in her toes. What was happening? This new feeling of desperation and un-motivation was not cute. It didn't feel too nice either.

The girl rolled onto her back and just made up billions of random stories about her biological family until she fell asleep.

i'm starting a new fan fic and have literally everything planned out... except i haven't gotten that far writing wise but it's a geoff wigington book if you wanna check it out!

edit: it won't be re-published for a few months sorry :/

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