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                   Interview day was the day Tyler dreaded the most. Don't get me wrong, he loved fans of every shape and size, but the jokes about the band's name, questions of joshler, the loopholes he'd have to jump though while he'd continuously have to dodge question after question, and everything else that sometimes led to him feeling uncomfortable- were not things he was particularly fond of. Especially today, the third day on the bus and the first day in New York. They'd sold out the Madison Square Garden show that was two days away (and just about every other concert over the next six weeks for that matter), and today was interview number one.

Usually interviews were with Tyler alone, Tyler with Josh, or the occasional Tyler and Bella, but today? Today was something special.

Today was the day that everybody's favorite Ohio family was going to be questioned for the camera. You heard me right folks- Jenna, Tyler, and Bella all in a stuffy room with some crazed interviewer for at least a half hour.

"Kid you gotta go!" Josh called from outside of the tiny little bathroom Bella had been hogging up for the past ten minutes.

"Ugh." She groaned, tugging down her jean shorts. "I don't think I like my shirt."

Josh groaned and walked away.

Bella rolled her eyes and started giggling.

"Okay." She whispered to herself in the mirror. Her yellow shirt looked good on her, as much as she thought it made her look crazy. "I got this." She nodded, took a deep breath of the 7:30 AM air, and walked out of the bathroom.

"You look great," Jenna soothed. She had on a red shirt and navy blue jeans that she cuffed at the bottom.

"I look better." Tyler joked, leading his "wife" and daughter off the bus.

Bella looked up to Jenna, she really did. She was so pretty and such a great cook. She had an awesome sense of fashion, not to mention a spectacular heart of gold.

"Where are we even going?" Bella questioned.

"There's a room out back there." Jenna pointed to this huge black building a couple feet away that had at least 30 floors. Bella figured if she stood next to it, she'd look even shorter.

"Hey I'm Mike and I'll be your interviewer today." He smiled warmly at the crowd, his right hand clutching a paper that Bella figured was filled with the questions. "How are we today?"

"Good." All three of them responded simultaneously.

Mike laughed and gestured for the family to sit on the red leather couch that was set up in front of the black wall, next to the fake plant. "Let's get this thing started, shall we?"

"Okay." Jenna smiled and gave Bella a reassuring nod since she was recently freaking out about accidentally telling the world that her dads were in fact Josh and Tyler, and that Jenna was just a mom-like figure.

"So," Mike began, his brown eyes glistening in the morning light. "We gotta keep this PG and the fans mostly sent in goofy questions this time around, so we'll start with those."

Goofy? Bella thought. What's this dude mean by goofy?

"Who's got the best eyelash's?" Mike asked with a toothy grin that reminded Bella of Rian Dawson's pearly whites.

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