Chapter 1

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August 27, 2028

I groaned loudly when I heard my alarm go off. I swear if I didn't have kids to feed, I would just stay in bed and finish sleeping this Sunday away.

But I can't so let me stop complaining and get up.

I went to the bathroom to rinse my mouth out with some Listerine mouthwash. I took a two-hour nap after running some errands earlier so I know my breath is pretty harsh right now. Once I finished with that, I look into the mirror to see what I was going to do with my hair.

Earlier my hair was looking all beautiful and curly but now it's all over the place

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Earlier my hair was looking all beautiful and curly but now it's all over the place. I had forgot to but a bonnet on but oh well. I'll just leave it like this until I'm done cooking.

As I walked downstairs to make my way into the kitchen, I heard the TV in the living room blasting Paw Patrol. That means Sage and Angel are in there. No matter how many times the same episodes will play, they will sit and watch it like it's brand new.

"There go my babies." I said giving them each a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi mommy!"

"Hi BB!" Yes, I was serious about Angel calling me BB, I was too young to be called grandma.

I left those two munchkins alone and went into the kitchen to cook. Tonight, we were having pork chops and dirty rice. And of course, I am cooking a side of chicken for the kids.

"I didn't know you were in here. You could have gotten started on dinner." I said to Lexi, who was sitting at the table on her laptop.

"You know I couldn't leave Bam Bam and Pebbles by themselves." I laughed. That's the nickname she has given to Angel and Sage since they are always together.

"Where's Blue and Shawn?" I asked as I took the pork chops and chicken out the sink. They should be thawed out by now.

"Um, I think Blue is in her room doing whatever and Shawn is the game room if I can remember correctly." I nodded my head and poured a bit of grease in the skillet.

"Mom, look at this car, isn't it pretty and fits me." Lexi said as she turned her laptop around to show me.

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