Chapter 29

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"You sure I wasn't being such a burden? I know I stayed longer than I should have."

I gave my client a half smile and shook my head no, "Of course you weren't Ralph. You needed to get some things off your chest and what better way to do it then with a person who you're paying a hundred dollars an hour for"

The both of us shared a laughed.

"You're truly the best Mrs. Carter. Please enjoy the rest of your night." I stood up and walked him to the door.

"Same to you, Ralph and hopefully everything works out for you." He thanked me then left out my office.

I let out a long and drawn out deep sigh. I am officially off the clock. I would have been at home by now but my client, Ralph stayed longer than expected.

He originally had an hour appointment at five with me to vent about his current divorce with his wife. I was counseling them for almost six months when his wife decided to pull the plug on their marriage. She filed for divorce two weeks ago and has not looked back ever since.

From my understanding she was fed up with him putting work before her and their two children. She originally thought he was having an affair, but Ralph constantly denied that and just admitted to being a workaholic.

Well now he's paying the consequences for loving his job too much. He told me his wife is requesting for full custody of the kids, spousal support and to continue paying the bills in their old home while he has to go find himself a new one.

For two hours he vented about how he wish she would give him a second chance and other such things. I felt bad for him because it was obvious he loves his wife and kids. He just doesn't know how to take a break from work.

"About time, I was getting tired." Blue complained as she walked into the office. I had my door open and was gathering everything that I needed so we could head home.

"Girl, you shouldn't be tired. All you did today was go to school, came here, ate, and watch Netflix til I was done."

"But I'm still tired. Going to school for 7 hours can be exhausting." I playfully rolled my eyes at her being dramatic.

We left out my office and I closed and locked the door. Naomi was standing by her desk with her things in her hands. Guess she was ready to go home just as well as us.

"I see you ain't playing no games. Ready to get home huh." Naomi giggled then let out a yawn.

"Yeah, I'm sleepy plus I still gotta pick up Promise from her friend's house."

"Well we're all set so let's go." I grabbed Blue's hand and we began walking out. "Oh and thank you for keeping an eye on her. I know I don't pay you to babysit."

Naomi smiled and rubbed her hand through Blue's thick hair "It's fine. You know I don't mind helping out with the kids."

The feeling you get after taking your bra off after a long day is equivalent to having an orgasm.

No exaggerations.

As soon as I got in the house, I headed straight to my room. Blue was right behind me to go to hers.

The house was quiet so I figured either no one was here or everyone went to bed early as hell. It was eight something so that would be a huge surprise if they were.

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