Chapter 36

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My dad and I had a staring contest as the both of us tried to figure out what to say to each other. I've been sitting here for at least ten minutes and the most we said to each other was hi.

I couldn't come last night due to visiting hours being over with, but I had made it a priority to come here the first thing in the morning. For what reason I don't know. For the past few years I stop being a priority in his life so why should I be here, for him.

That's honestly one of the reason why I stopped visiting him. I hadn't been in the hospital since Thanksgiving so over a month. My grandmother abandoned being there for him and left me with all the responsibility of making the decision of pulling the plug or not. That's was unfair to me. How do you as a mother just leave your child in need? When Angel was in the hospital every chance I could I visited her because I refuse to give up on her even when there were times I didn't think she would make it. I was there for her, prayed she would make it, and talked to her everyday so that she knew I was not going to leave no matter what.

But I guess everyone doesn't have that type of heart. If I am being truthful though my grandmother wasn't the only reason I stop visiting him. I couldn't stand the fact my father put me to the side for his own selfish needs, didn't care what I was going through and downright ignore my existence. Yet, I put all that to the side and tried my best to be there for him because at the end of the day he is my father.

But sometimes even that isn't an excuse to be the reason to forget and forgive all the hurt he put me through. I guess once all that registered in my head I said fuck it and stopped worrying about seeing him.

"Lexi" I heard him softly call my name. His voice was so raspy that it was kind of hard for him to speak. I looked up at him while letting out a sigh. I didn't answer him though. I just stared at how bruise up he was.

"Thank you for coming

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"Thank you for coming." He said still in that soft tone. "I know you didn't want to, but I am happy you did."

"I only came to see if it was true. You were in a coma for two months didn't think you would have made it." He looked at me with a sad expression before slowly nodding his head. "You know I tried being there for you, but it was too much. You always hurt me but somehow I always overlook that just because you're my father."


"No, dad! I really don't understand why I am here. I don't know why you even had the nurse call me. Oh, I know why because you had no one else to turn to." I don't know what was happening but every emotion I felt was being released right now. "You sat up there and disappeared on me for two and a half years. You disowned me because I was pregnant at 15. You have not once met your granddaughter, a granddaughter you almost lost, but I turned a blind eye on all that just because you were in a bad accident and had a low chance in making it."

I sat back in my chair after that and shook my head as the tears began falling. I hate being an emotional person. Here I am mad as hell yet I'm crying because that was the only way to express how angry I really am right now.

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