Chapter 19

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My life is something else right now and I don't know how long it will be before I will snap on everyone around me. From Shawn to Lexi, those two stay trying me.

When I came home yesterday I was just going to lay down and take a nap, but the smell of weed caught my attention. I knew who was smoking it just didn't think she had the audacity to do it in my home. But this is the same girl who I caught having sex in my house just a few days prior so I guess all her respect for me is gone.

I know she's not at her best right now, but we have had conversations about this. When she's going through it I told her to come talk to me. I would listen to her and help her through a situation. And if she didn't want to talk to me then we could take a visit to Dr. Winfrey. She has made it known that Lexi can come whenever. Doesn't matter when or how small or big the problem is. She can just come and vent until she feels better. But Lexi being a teen she thinks she can handle all her problems herself and think it's okay to lash out on me just because things aren't going her way.

Then there's Shawn ole lying self. We haven't really said anything to each other since our argument in the kitchen. He didn't leave the house like I asked to. He took it upon himself to move into his man cave thinking that's giving me space. I know he probably came back for the kids, but I still think it was best for us to be separate for a while. I can't stand to look at him and when we gotta fake the funk around the kids it aggravates me. I don't what to pretend things are great between us when it's not.

One of these days though I am going to have to put my attitude to the side and hear him out. At least get the understanding of the situation between him and Foxy. How he keeps implying that it's not what I think makes me wonder how things really went down. But I don't know when I will be calm enough to listen to him. It's just the fact he lied is what's keeping me from being rational with him.

Maybe...and I mean maybe after a week I might be calm enough to talk this out with him. But that's a big ass maybe so don't hold me to it.

To help ease some of this stress off me I am heading to the gym. I wasn't in the mood to go to work, so I reschedule my appointments and told Naomi she could have the day off.

I needed time to myself to let my frustration out. Exercising has always been a great stress reliever besides sex, but since my husband is in the dog house I am taking another route.

Pulling up to LA Fitness, I parked my car then turned it off. Taking my phone out my purse, I text my mom and let her know I was here.

Yes, I am about to be a big ass kid and tell on Shawn and Lexi to my mom. She's the only person I am willing to talk to right now about everything. Naomi and Logan are a no for me even though they are my best friends. Naomi seems like she will find an excuse for Shawn's and Lexi and Logan well it's self-explanatory. She's Shawn's cousin and Foxy's friend and she has already shown me how she can take their side in a heartbeat and I don't want to deal with that again.

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