Chapter 8

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These past two weeks have consisted of me catching up on paper work and my clients. My week-long vacation was over within a blink of an eye and it was back to reality.

I am happy that I'm back to being busy because I didn't do shit during my vacation but sleep, eat, catch up on my TV shows and finished a book that I started reading a long time ago.

One thing that hasn't change in the past two weeks is my speaking status with Logan. I know she may think I am doing the most by not speaking to her, but I bet she has yet to look at the situation in my shoes. I feel highly disrespected by what she did at my birthday dinner. I could have easily forgiven her for the Xavier comment, but to go out your way and bring someone that you know I do not approve of actually hurts my feelings because it was a big ass F you to me.

The years I have known Logan she has never acted like that towards me. Never has she even been bias when it came to Shawn and I relationship problems. Whenever I vented to her she kept it mutual but would never hold back stating who was in the wrong or if we both was in the wrong.

But somehow all that shit change because of an old friend coming back around. Just because you reconnected with someone from the past doesn't mean you should act different towards the people who are currently in your life and been in your life for numerous years.

I know Shawn wants us to all have this little sit down so that things can get resolved and maybe just maybe Foxy and I can get to know each other but I just don't see that happening. At least no time soon. It's just something about Foxy that screams out trouble and I do not want to bring that drama into my life. She already been lowkey starting shit and I haven't even properly sat down with the girl. Hell, I don't even know her real name. Depending on how I feel or talk this over with someone who isn't Shawn then I may agree to having this little sit down just so I can get a clarification on everything.

The one thing I can say that I am happy about is Shawn finally understanding how I was feeling uncomfortable with him being so close with Foxy. From what I have seen he doesn't spend time talking to her like he used to. When I ask about it, he responded by saying she's been tripping lately. I didn't know what that meant and didn't ask him to go into details, but I don't think it's anything major that I need to worry about.

There was a knock on my door that caused me to look up from my laptop. Naomi was standing in my office with her purse in her hand. "Hey Bey, I'm about to take my lunch break. You want anything while I'm out?"

I looked down to see what time it was. It is going on to being 2 and I haven't eaten anything since this morning.

"Where you headed?"

"Just going to McDonald's to get their buttermilk chicken tenders." Mhm that do sound good.

"It's okay if I join you? We can have lunch there then come back to work."

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