Chapter 15

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Oct 28, 2028

"So, did you ever put Kalin number to use or nah?" China asked. We were currently on facetime while I was trying to pick out a costume for Angel.

"No, not yet." I could hear her groaning and she probably was looking upset. I wasn't looking directly in the phone to notice her facial expression.

"Are you serious Lexi? What did you ask for the number if you're not going to use it?"

"Chill China. It's been what, a week since you sent it, in due time I'm going to talk to him." Truth of the matter, for the past few days I have been debating with myself about calling him or not. It's honestly my pride and fear of getting hurt that keeps stopping me from texting him.

"Whatever in that same week you could have made a move." I shook my head in annoyance, I don't know why she's so adamant about me giving him a chance. She wasn't like this with Michael.

"Why do you care so much about Kalin and I dating? I hope you're not trying to set us up." I would be pissed off if she did.

"No, of course not!" she practically yelled through the phone. "But there is someone who has kindly made it known she has a thing for Kalin and given the opportunity I'm pretty sure she will jump his bones if he lets her."

I frowned at that. Who the hell wants my man who's really not my man, but has potential of being my man.

"Somebody else likes Kalin?"

"Mhm. You know Chelsea, right? Carmel, kind of average height and has the big boobs." I leaned my head back as I tried to remember who this person is.

"Oh, I know who you're talking about!" I said once it hit me. "That girl who's always acting dumb to get attention from the boys."

"Yup, we all have journalism together and she's not shy with her flirting. I even heard her asking for his number the other day so that they could do 'homework' together." As much as I don't want to be jealous, I couldn't help it. That means he probably already smashed her or has thoughts about it. And here I was thinking I was the only one who had his eyes.

I was about to tell China that it doesn't even matter who likes Kalin, but my thoughts got distracted when Angel came walking into my closet with a sucker in her mouth.

"China I'm going to call you back."

"Alright girl." I quickly hung up the facetime then picked up Angel.

"Why do you have this?" I asked her as I took the sucker from her. Like expected she began to cry for it.

"I want!" she whined trying to reach for it, but I held it back from her causing her to holler even louder.

"Angel crying louder is not going to work. I already told you no candy til we get to the party." She did not care about what I said. She started throwing a tantrum in my arms which made me put her down so that she can do all that on the floor.

"Who gave you this sucker anyways. I told everyone to not give you any sweets just yet." Angel stop crying then pointed to my door that was opened.

"Blue Blue." She said while rubbing her eyes. This girl here.

"Blue!" I shouted. I should have known it was her.

It didn't take long for her to come in my room. She had the nerve to try to look all innocent.

"Yes, big sister?" I rolled my eyes at this little fake act. She saw Angel was still crying a bit, so she bent down to sit next to her.

"Why did you give Angel a sucker? I already made it known I didn't want her eating candy til we got to Auntie Logan's party. Now I'm not sure how much candy she has had now."

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