Chapter 12

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I don't know if I should feel emotional that there is a chance my ex-husband might lose his life or if I should just shrug my shoulders and act heartless towards this situation.

I'm really conflicted right now.

When I heard Lexi screamed I instantly ran to where she was. I didn't know what had happened but hearing my baby girl screaming like that almost gave me a heart attack. Then to see two officers at the door worried me even more.

Kenneth was honestly the last thing on my mind. I automatically thought something happened to Michael. When they told me  Kenneth was in a terrible accident, my first thought was when in the hell did he come back to Houston.

Yeah, we don't communicate with each other anymore, but still I would have thought he would have informed me that he was coming back out here to stay. Then again this is Kenneth we are talking about.

I feel so bad for Lexi though. Just when everything was starting to go smoothly in her life. This bullshit happens. She's not coping with this well. For the past few days, she has been stuck in her room and only comes out when she needs to go to school and work. Angel doesn't understand what's going on with her grandfather, but she does understand that her mother is sad. I talked to Michael to see if he could keep Angel for a while because I don't want Lexi's sadness to affect her parenting right now.

As a parent when you are going through a stressful situation, you tend to take your anger out on your kids and that is not right nor fair to them. So, right now it's best if Angel spends time with her father for a minute. And Lexi knew this as well because she didn't even debate me on this.

I sighed as I stared at Kenneth. He was hooked up to so many machines that it was ridicules. His doctor informed us that he suffered from head and back injuries, and fractured bones. He lost a lot of blood which lead him to being in a coma right now. They did do a blood transfusion but still it is Kenneth's decision to decide when he is going to wake up.

I took another deep breath before looking away and turning my attention to my phone. I know it's good to talk to coma patients to help them wake up, but there's honestly nothing good I can say right now. It was easier to do this with Naomi because she never did anything wrong to me and I knew she did not deserve to be in her coma, so I tried my best to let her know she needed to wake up. However, with Kenneth this is different. Yes, he was my first husband and we spent 6 years being married and was trying to expand our family. At one point he was the best father ever to Lexi, but he stopped doing his job as a parent. For years he treated Lexi terribly and made her question what the hell did she do wrong to make her father stop loving and being there for her. So, there is honestly nothing positive that I can talk to him about to help him realize he needs to wake up. The only person who probably can make a miracle happen is Kelly and their son.

But that's if she even cares enough to even be there for her "fiancé."

While I was scrolling through my phone a message popped up from Shawn. Quickly clicking it, I read the text.

Baby😌❣️: You still at the hospital?

To: Yeah, nothing has changed though.

Baby😌❣️ : Aw okay. Do you mind if I go out to lunch with Foxy?

I bit my lip as I thought about this answer. I'm not as worried as I used to be about Foxy, but I am still trying to feel her out. I haven't hung out with the girl since the night at Dice Pineapples.

As I was thinking of my answer, Shawn had text me again.

Baby😌❣️: Lol it's okay if you say no babe. I'm not go trip.

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