Chapter 5

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I didn't know whether I should go the fuck off or let Shawn "handle" this bitch. I don't believe if I told him to put her in her place he would do it simply because that's his "friend." I mean just look at how he was acting at the party. He wants to basically say I was doing too much so I doubt he would even come to my defense about this bitch.

But let me wait and see.

I put my back against the wall and waited at least 2 minutes before I heard the shower cut off and the door closing. I tried my best to keep calm but the more I waited for him to walk out the bathroom the more pissed off I was becoming. I think it might have to do with the fact that I am still very much drunk. I haven't eaten or drunk anything to help me sober up.

When Shawn finally did emerge from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, we locked eyes and I knew he could see the frustrated look upon my face.

"Why you over there looking mad as hell?" I heard him mumbled. He grabbed the lotion from our dresser and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"The real question is why this bitch thinks it's okay to try me?" He lifted his head down as soon as those words left my mouth. "I don't know why you thought I was done with this and for this bitch to text you some shit like this is definitely crossing the line."

Shawn turned his body towards my direction and raised his eyebrows, "What are you talking about?" Instead of answering I just gave, well really threw his phone to him. It didn't take long for him to shake his head and sigh after reading the message. "I'll talk to her about that."

"That's it? You'll just talk to her? No, I want you to curse her out and tell her that for one she shouldn't even be worrying about me and two, y'all little friendship needs to come to an end."

"Beyoncé, why would I curse her out especially when I don't have the energy to do anything but put on my damn clothes and go to sleep. You so damn mad at her then you do it. I wouldn't even be surprise if you contemplated on texting her ass anyways."

"Are you fucking serious Shawn, you are showing you have no damn respect for me. Why can you friend call me insecure and you don't say shit about it. That's a slap in the face and it makes me wonder why I even married you if you are not coming to my defense and checking your friends."

"Didn't I check Stephanie when she talking shit about you? Did I not check my own brother when he tried the shit? I even stop being friends with Jeremey because his ass always was mad about our damn relationship. So, don't ever try to make it seem like I am not putting motherfuckers in their place because I do."

"But you're not doing it now!" I was getting frustrated because he was clearly missing the point.

Getting off the edge of the bed, he walked over to my side to sit next to me. I quickly turned my head so that I wouldn't look at him. Me being drunk and my emotions being on a high did not mix well right now. I wanted to beat my husband for trying to play captain save a hoe and I also want to beat that bitch ass for trying me.

"Bey..." he said my name softly. "Look, I understand where you are coming from. Foxy should have not sent that message and for that I apologize. I don't know why she thought that would be okay. In the morning I will let her know that shit wasn't cool." I turned to look at him and I saw the sincere look on his face. He lifted his hand out to gently caress my cheek.

I don't know when and how it happened but I was on my back with Shawn hovering over me, sucking on my neck. I swear if I wasn't drunk I would have easily pushed Shawn off me and told him to sleep downstairs in his man cave. But I was and I was horny and it was still my birthday. I had an hour before it ended and I would be damn if I didn't get any birthday dick from my husband.

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