Chapter 44

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"I feel bigger than five months

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"I feel bigger than five months." I said aloud to my husband. I don't think he heard me though. Or maybe he was ignoring me because this isn't my first time complaining about my weight.

I looked over at him as he ate his food, acting like his pregnant wife wasn't speaking to him. When he finally caught my stare he knew he had to speak up. "Bey, baby you look fine and healthy stop tripping about your weight gain."

"Whatever" I mumbled while rolling my eyes. I didn't even care to hear him make me feel better. I'm fat and he knows it.

I wasn't even feeling this dinner date anymore. I was too busy soaking myself into a pity party. I had made five months on our anniversary and it's like my stomach grew 10x more. My lips and breasts have swollen, my hips have gotten wider and my ass has gotten bigger.

I'm happy about my ass though. That's the only thing that I will like to stay. Everything else can go.

I could feel Shawn hand slowly creepy down to mine. His slick self rub my thigh in the process of him trying to reach for my hand to hold. "You know you're one fine ass pregnant woman. Ain't nothing bad about the weight you're gaining if anything you're turning me on with how you're carrying the weight."

Blushing just a little bit, I turned my head to the side so he couldn't see me. That didn't do anything though. He used his free hand to turn my face back towards him.

I was taken back when I felt his lips on mine. For some reason this simple peck had me feeling all tingling inside. Soon as he tried to pull away from the kiss, I pulled him back in this time adding some tongue. Not caring that we were in a public restaurant.

This is exactly what we needed though. Some alone time. Tonight was Gloria's last night here until Lexi's graduation next month. It was her suggestion that she stayed home to watch the kids while Shawn and I spent some quality time together. At first I was against it because of the fairly new weight gain, but she told me I needed to get out the house and spend some time with my husband as much as I can before the new baby arrives.

Shawn and I was so lost in our own little world that we didn't break our kiss until we heard someone clear their throat. Pulling away I felt embarrassed and our waiter seemed a bit uncomfortable that he had to interrupt us.

But Shawn on the hand had this look in his eyes that let me know he was turned on and I was in danger when we make it home.

"Sorry to be a bother." Our waiter stated. "But I wanted to know if you two will like to settle with some dessert or just bring the bill." Shawn and I looked at each other before deciding we wanted the Triple Chocolate cake.

When the waiter left Shawn turned his head in my direction and bit his lip. "You know I'm tearing that up once we get home right?"

"You're going to sex me while you're mother is in our home? Her room not to far down from ours?"

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