Chapter 38

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January 4, 2029 

January 4, 2029 

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"Should I sing happy birthday to you or should I just say it in a normal way?" I jokingly asked my mom as we sat down in the booth in the restaurant.

"You can say it however even though you text me this morning, called me on your lunch and now taking me out for dinner."

We both shared a laughed, "I'm sorry that I am excited it's my mother's birthday and the fact she looks good for her age and that she's still around to even celebrate it." My mother shook her head while smiling. She knows I'm right. Besides not everyone is able to celebrate their mother's birthday.

"You know I appreciate you baby and I am thankful for this expensive dinner you are about to pay for." She said with a chuckle but I just shrug. Money is never an issue. She told me she wanted to go somewhere were the seafood was fresh and delicious and I found the perfect restaurant for her.

As the both us scanned the menu to find a dinner that stood out to us the most, we made conversation just asking each other how our day been and what my mom planned to do this weekend with her friends.

Once we both found an entrée that we wanted, the waiter took our request down and brought us the bottle of white wine that he suggested would go perfect with our dinner along with the spinach dip as our appetizer.

"So, I'm curious as to why you are drinking wine." My mother stated as she eyed me down as I took a sip from my glass.

I frowned and sat it down, "What's wrong with me drinking wine? I need something light to drink after drinking nothing, but hard liquor in Vegas."

"And even then, you shouldn't have been drinking."

"Okay what are getting at because I am lost." I know my mama is not trying to call me an alcoholic. Yeah, I have my fare share of drinks, but I am not no drunk.

My mom began to laugh then threw her hands as if whatever she had in mind was really funny. "Beyoncé, I'm hinting at you being pregnant. How did you not catch on to that?"

"Uh maybe because I am not pregnant." I answered with that same frowned on my face. "I know that for a fact because my period came two days ago."

"You know you can still be pregnant and have a period. It's rare but it's possible." I shook my head and grabbed a chip to dip it into the spinach dip. I know mothers have this weird way of telling when their child is expecting, but at this moment my mom is wrong.

And I know for a fact she's wrong because the day after we came back from Vegas I took a pregnancy test just to see if I was and it came back negative. I only took it because there were certain little things going on with my body that gave me the suspicious that I was.

"Mom I'm not pregnant okay. Shawn and I have been trying for the past month and no luck has happened yet." Her face lit up so quickly at the mention of trying for another baby. She began to clap her hands and squeal in excitement.

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