Chapter 27

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Did Shawn just really asked me that question like I wasn't going to do that anyways?

We stared at each other with a serious look on our faces until I broke character and a small chuckle left my lips.

"What's funny?" His tone match the serious look on his face.

"Nothing baby it's just..." I let out another laugh before getting back serious. "Baby you know I was going to handle Foxy. There was no need to request me to do it. But I am happy to know we are on the same page."

He still had that same look upon his face. The waiter had brought our food and we thanked him and began to eat. Well at least I was. Shawn was picking at his food as if he was no longer hungry or was lost in thought.

"Tell me what's on your mind." He look up from his food and shook his head no. "Don't go back to doing this baby. You were just letting me in. Please don't shut me out again." I reached my hand out and laid it on top of his.

Shawn interlocked our fingers together and lifted our hands up so that he can give mine a kiss. "Just want the pain to stop."

I gave him an apologetic smile, "You and me both."

"I know I shouldn't be encouraging you t0 fight, but that's the only way I know that will help me to feel a little bit better. But I'm not go put you in that position though. You got too much to lose. Foxy a spiteful bitch and I don't need her to take this shit to the police and try to ruin your career."

"So Foxy a snitch bitch?" It was music to my ears to hear Shawn laugh. My baby hasn't genuinely laugh since last week.

"She can be at times" He said once he calmed down. "It's been a few times when Foxy wanted to get back at certain people so she went to the police to leave anonymous tips so that the person she was trying to sellout gets locked up. Reasons why her ex boyfriend got her beat up while she was in prison. Revenge for all the times she called the police on him and got his trap house raided."

I nodded my head while eating on my food. So what he's basically telling me is that this bitch is lowkey scary as hell and will try to destroy everything that I built all because she won't be able to take an ass whooping.

"What if I have an idea?" He leaned back in the booth and rub the little chin hair he had.

"And what would that be?" I gave him a playful evil grin before telling him the idea that was cooking in my head.

I moaned loudly as another orgasm took over my body. This was my third one and it was way more powerful than my last two.

"Baby I need a break" I whined. We had been at it since we walked through the door but Shawn wasn't letting up.

Ignoring my plea, he pulled out and laid me on my stomach. "Get on your hands and knees and arch your back."

"Shawnnnnn-ouch" he smacked my ass causing it to sting.

"I ask nicely but I seen you want me to rough you up." He used his strong hands to position me how he wanted then enter me with no warning. I winced at the pain but I couldn't deny I was turned on again and was ready for another round.

I can't even tell you where Shawn stamina came from. Just last week he couldn't even stay hard but now my baby was back to giving me good loving.

It might have to do with the plan I came up with to get Foxy to confess what she did to him. The thought of Foxy owning up to taking advantage of him and making her go away forever was exciting to him. Plus knowing your wife is going to beat her ass as well during the process might be the biggest turn on for him.

Stretching my arm I tried reaching for a pillow to drown out my screams. But Shawn quickly grabbed both of my arms, locked them behind my back, and went even deeper. If that was even possible.

"Ain't nobody here so go head and let it out." He said as he reached to pull on my hair. I don't know what it is about pulling hair during sex but it takes it up a notch.

During what he demanded, I let out all my screams, moans, and even let out a small silent cry as my fourth and final orgasm approach. And the way Shawn was groaning and softly cursing underneath his breath let me know he was on his way as well.

Feeling him fill my inside cause my body to jerk a bit. When he was done he let me go and pulled out.

Shawn was breathing heavy then start chuckling "Damn I needed that" I chuckle as well and found the strength to around and lay on my back.

"We both needed that." 

He walked into the bathroom only to come back with a wet and warm towel to clean me up.

I had my eyes close and was ready to go to sleep but the question he asked made me reopen my eyes.

"Are you still taking your pills?" I don't know why he asked that but I slowly nodded my head yes.

"Shawn you know I am." I switch from being on the shot to going back to the pills last year. It wasn't something I wanted to do but Dr. Hawthorne let me know that the depo shot isn't a permanent birth control to stay on so I had to switch back to something I was more comfortable with.

Shawn put on his underwear then his pants and sat down next to me "Bey I want another baby. Preferably I wanna try for another boy."


"Please Bey. I know you said after Sage you were done with having kids but you knew I wanted at least one more child."

Letting out a sigh, I couldn't argue with that. Shawn did want another baby. That's why I didn't go and get my tubes tied. He wanted another child but I didn't so I just opt to getting on birth control just in case we did decide to have another baby.

But honestly I didn't think this conversation would be brought back up so soon. And when he mentioned it on Thanksgiving I thought he was just joking.

"I can tell from your quietness you want to say no." He said sadly. "But I am going to have high hopes that you agree to having another Carter running around here."

He got up from the bed and went to go put on a shirt. When he was fully dress he bend down to kiss me on the forehead. "I'm going to go get the kids from school so that's enough time to leave you with your thoughts." He gave me another kiss and left out.

Just when I thought I fix one problem another one occurs. I know he may not like my answer but Shawn and I have too much going on to bring another baby into this family. I still gotta fix my relationship with Lexi, Shawn is dealing with personal issues that I have to help bring closure to and Sage and Blue may not even be accepting of us having another child.

Yeah it's definitely too much going in this one little family.

So I know it's been forever since I updated but blame my bad ass nephews. They fuck up my charging port in my laptop😒. But I'm back now😊

How do you think Bey will get Foxy to confess to everything?

Do you think Bey and Shawn should have another child?

Just wanna say a shoutout to my sis EverythingBGKC she has been on a roll with her stories🙌🏾😘

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