Chapter 23

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"Damn nigga, I see you" Quincy complimented as he looked around my man cave

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"Damn nigga, I see you" Quincy complimented as he looked around my man cave. "The last time I was here you was just getting this shit together, now it looks nice as hell." I handed him a beer and thanked him. 

Quincy and I were in the basement while my mother was upstairs with Blue and Sage, spending time with them. Since they came here early in the day, I end up getting the kids an early dismal and took everyone out to eat. The kids of course enjoyed it because they were happy to be out of school and be around their grandmother and uncle, especially their grandmother. My mom loves spoiling the kids so there was no surprise when she bought them each some toys.

It wasn't really late but Bey and Lexi should have been here by now. I know Bey wanted to spend some time talking to Lexi about school so I'm sure they are either having a decent conversation or arguing back and forth. I just hope Lexi don't end up being missing.

Turning the TV on, I left it on the BET channel just for background. Nothing interesting was on anyways.

"So, what's been going on with you Quincy. Still hoeing around even though yo ass in your 30s now?"

"I know you ain't talking" He said with a scoff, "You just became Mr. Monogamous and now being a hoe is so wrong."

"Actually I've been monogamous for over 10 years now and no I don't see a problem with being a hoe, just don't you think it's time to settle down and give mom some grandkids. I can't be the only one expanding the Carter last name."

"Nigga you only got two kids with your last name. Why you acting like you got a baseball team of kids."

"Shit I want to" I admitted.

"Then why it happened yet? You sitting up here trying make me be a father and shit."

"Because I don't know how to go about it by Bey." I answered honestly. I been thinking about this for a minute now and I want another child, but I know Bey ain't going for that. Hell she wanted to get her tubes ties without consulting with me so just imagined if I just bring up the topic of having another child. Especially when we're still on bad terms.

"Shawn if you don't put your damn foot down and tell that woman you want another kid. The fuck man, you gotten so damn weak when it comes to your wife."

I shook my head and slightly chuckled, I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to talk this out with Quincy. This nigga doesn't understand compromising or anything when it comes to a marriage. I should have just waited til Eric got here to talk this out with him.

"Quincy, I just can't put my foot down. I'm not the one who is crying the baby. She is. She gotta take off work, she gotta go through the body changes and all that other shit. I just can't go to her and say hey we having another baby whether you like it or not."

He rolled his eyes, "Soft as fuck." He mumbled while taking a sip of his beer. "You don't have to tell her then. Just knock her up on purpose then act surprise when she tells you she's pregnant."

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