Chapter 9

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*So, I deleted Chapter 9 last night so that I could add this other scene to the chapter. It only made sense to add this scene here instead of adding it to the next chapter.*

Being a mom, going to school and work then completing homework is starting to become exhausting. I don't know how other teen moms are doing this and not feel overwhelm.

I give props to my mom because she was a college student raising me. I always ask her if it was harder for her being a mother in college, but she claims it was easier since she had more free time in between her classes than what a high school student would have.

I just wish I could run away from my responsibilities and enjoy having a social life for like a week, but I know that's not happening anytime soon. Especially not now.

I've been stress due to Angel catching a cold from one of the kids at the day care center. Fall season has just begun and these kids are already getting sick. I tried my best to keep her gems free but it's hard when, one she's a kid so she's going to do whatever, and two she doesn't know any better so she's going to play with the kids who are sick and play with the toys that the sick kids have infected with their gems.

I just wish the other staff members did better at disinfecting all the toys the children were playing with and if it was possible some parents should have kept their kids at home until they gotten better, but I understand finding a babysitter is hard.

With Angel being sick now it has been kind of rough for me because she's been fussing, crying saying her throat is itchy, and she seems like she is running a fever. Her isn't high enough for me to take her to the emergency room just yet so I've been nursing her the best I can causing me to neglect my sleep and school work.

I was supposed to had read two chapters of The Great Gatsby for my AP English Literature class because we were going to have a 10-multiple choice quiz at the beginning of the class then have a discussion afterwards, but I failed to prepare myself. I was so busy trying to get Angel to stop crying and being fussy that by the time she did fall asleep it was 1 in the morning and I was too tired to do anything.

So, I am pretty sure I failed the quiz and lost points by not participating in the discussion.

Right now, I am trying to stay awake in my senior seminar class. My teacher was discussing how next week is October so need to start thinking about our top ten universities that we want to apply to. For seniors the deadline is in November to submit all our applications so that we can walk across the stage. Yes, it's a dumb requirement that we must abide but it's nothing to make a big deal about.

And if I am being honest I don't even know if I want to even go to college anymore.

When I used to think about going off to school, I used to say I would go somewhere far but still in distance of home. My major would either be criminal justice or psychology, I would join a sorority or some type of organization and overall just have fun while getting my education.

But now all I don't even know. It's already hard trying to have a social life while being a mother. How can I be a mother who is a college student who also wants to enjoy having some free time?

I know I have stated that my mother said that raising me while she was earning her degree was easier for her, but my mother had helped. Her and my dad was married at the time, so they worked around each other school and work schedules so that one parent was at least at home with me while the other one handles their business and when needed their parents, my grandparents helped out as well to give them breaks so that they can have time to study, do homework or enjoy being young and married.

Me on the other hand it's a bit difficult. Michael helps with Angel financially and he comes and gets her on the weekends he doesn't have to work, but that's about it. I tell him all the time to not just be a weekend dad. Come and get her during the weekday or stop by and see her. That would help me out tremendously. But it always claims that he tries but he's manger always schedules him to work long hours during the weekdays so it's "hard" for him to get off in time to see Angel before she goes to sleep.

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