Chapter 3

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Why do teachers send students home with a bunch of paper work to fill out and sign?

I thought to myself as I filled out yet another emergency contact sheet. For the past thirty minutes this is all I have been doing and I swear if I put my phone number, address, and sign Mrs. Carter one more time I am going to scream.

The only good thing about today is that it's Wednesday and I do not have to work.

Shawn and I came up with an agreement a few months ago that we should make Wednesday an off day for us since it will be the middle of the week so that we won't be tired from work and we can help the children with their homework. Blue and Sage teachers have already let us know that they will be sending the kids home with homework packets on Mondays and it won't be due til that Friday.

More than likely I will be helping Sage with his homework since it will be nothing but him learning how to write letters and teaching him his colors, 123s, and ABCs. Shawn can help Blue with her homework since she will be learning fractions this school year. I hated fractions when I was in school so I am for damn sure not about to mess with them now.

While I was signing what I was hoping to be the last contact sheet, I heard the security system speak letting me know Shawn had opened the front door. He came into the kitchen with an IHOP to go bag and sat it on the table.

"Naw, naw that was yo ass." He said all loudly while laughing. "Girl you know damn well you used to be wild as fuck back in the day."

I sighed in frustration because I already have a clue to who he was on the phone with. And he wonders why I haven't said shit to him since Sunday.

"Aight but listen I gotta go but I'ma hit you back up later." he paused then chuckled, 'Naw I'm forreal, Ima call you back."

I guess he was finally done with his conversation because I saw from the corner of my eyes, him coming to sit down at the table with me.

"Good Afternoon beautiful." When I saw that he was trying to give me a kiss, I quickly turned my head so that he could get my cheek, "Well okay." He mumbled.

"I went to go get us some breakfast while you were sleeping. I know you been craving an omelet so I bought you a steak one." Shawn handed me a container and no matter how hard I am trying to front at being mad at him, the food was smelling too good for me to deny it.

"Oh, and I made sure they gave you an extra cup of salsa." Look at him trying to get back on my good side.

It was an awkward silence going on as we ate our food. There was an elephant in the room that needed to be address but I didn't know how to bring it up without sounding insecure or jealous.

I looked over at him and he seem to be in another world not even paying attention to me. He was too busy scrolling through his Instagram.

"So, who were you just on the phone with." I managed to find the courage somewhere.

Shawn looked up from his phone and furrowed his eyebrows. I know he's shock that I am even asking such a question but hey it's his fault.

"Uh Foxy, why?"

I shrugged, "You were laughing really hard."

I watch him shake his head and chuckle, "Are we really about to do this?"

"Do what?"

He sighed and closed his container making me do the same. It was obvious we were about to either argue or have a simple disagreement that could be resolve. It's his choice to where he wants this conversation to go.

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