Chapter 35

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December 23, 2028

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December 23, 2028

"Say it after me. It's not my fault." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before releasing it.

I slowly reopen my eyes and repeated the words.

"It's not my fault."

Dr. Winfrey laughed "Can you say it like you mean it?" I let out a small laugh as well because I knew I sounded unsure when I first said it.

I took another deep breath then exhaled, "It's not my fault."

"What's not your fault?"

"Foxy committing suicide."

Dr. Winfrey nodded her head, "And why it's not your fault."

See this is where it gets hard for me. I know what I should say but it's like I get stuck. I know her death is not my fault, but at the same time I know she killed herself because of me, so physically it isn't my fault because I didn't pull the trigger, but emotionally it is.

"Shawn have you ever heard of victim blaming?" Dr. Winfrey asked. I know she wasn't pleased with me taking forever to answer her first question.

Slowly I nodded my head, "Yeah isn't it when there are scenarios or reasons as to believe the victim was at fault for whatever happened to them."

"Correct. We mostly hear victim blaming in situations like sexual assault cases and domestic violence. Sometimes as people we just don't want to think the person who did the crime is fully at fault. We tend to think the victim has partial responsibility in the crime as well."

"That's stupid." I said with a frown. "The victim didn't ask for whatever happened to them."

"They don't but society can come off judgmental a bit. It's like our minds wants to believe that there was some type of trigger to make someone kill, rape, or assault the next person. But then victim blaming gets even more complicated as the victim we tend to start thinking to ourselves that maybe we did have a part in it. Maybe I shouldn't have wore that skirt, gone on that date, accept that drink or went over to his house alone."

That made me frown even harder, "The fuck? Why would someone that's a victim of rape think it's their fault. Regardless of what a woman wears or does if she says no then she says no."

She nodded her head, "Exactly but again society can make us question our role and shame us in a situation that we did nothing wrong in."

"But I brought this up Shawn because if you can understand the definition of victim blaming and see the clear perspective from another person situation then why can't you do that for yours? Why can't you stop victim blaming yourself for a death that you did not expect to happen. This woman is your rapist, she took advantage of you while you were intoxicated waiting on someone that you gave consent to, to have sex with. She commits suicide because she feels guilty of her actions yet you're sitting here blaming yourself about a decision your rapist chose to do."

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