Chapter 2

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Senior year is finally here🤗🎓🎉

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Senior year is finally here🤗🎓🎉

I don't think anyone understands how happy I am that I am about to be done with high school. No more childish drama, immature boys, and teachers who act like they don't know how to teach.

And most importantly in a few months I will be 18 which means that I will be considered as an adult.

I double checked my bookbag to make sure I had everything that I needed to take to school with me. I wouldn't be back at home til around 7 so I needed to pack my most important items.

When I was done with that I looked over at my bed and noticed Angel was still sleeping. I chuckled because I knew it would be difficult getting this girl to stay woke. At a young age she was already not a morning person. I had woken her up at 6:30 so that I could both of us ready since I didn't have a car and was riding with China.

That's one reason I want a car so badly but my mom and Shawn have so much doubt in me that they think it's best if I just car pool for the rest of my life. I feel like I'm being a burden when I ask China or Liam or even Michael to take me somewhere. Of course, they claim they don't mind but when you are on another person time it just aggravates you.

Anyways let me get this child up so that we can get going. China had already text me and let me know she was on her way and her house is not far from mine so I know she will be here soon.

I gently nudge my daughter and softly spoke "Angel, baby girl, wake up." All she did was groan and began to whine. "Come on baby girl, you have to get up so that you can go to day care."

She opened her eyes and pouted, "Sleep mommy"

"No, you can't sleep right now. You and I have to get going." I lifted her up so that she was sitting up on the bed. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. My baby look so adorable with her tired face.

I know she's going to love it when it's nap time at the daycare center

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I know she's going to love it when it's nap time at the daycare center.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and picked her up. She laid her head on my shoulder and yawned again. "Girl now I know you are not that tired." I said with a giggle.

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