Chapter 41

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I scanned the IHOP menu over a third time. Finally making the decision on what I wanted. It may seem like I'm being a fat ass, but I don't care. I want the steak omelet, no mushrooms, or onions. Sausage, harsh brown, and a waffle as my sides. Seems like a lot, but trust I am going to eat it all.

Closing the menu, I reached over to my water and used the straw to stir around the ice before taking a sip. My eyes made contact with Lexi as I took a sip of my water. She wasn't paying attention to me though. She was too busy in her phone. Giggling at whatever. I'm sure it's that boyfriend of hers.

Removing my lips from the straw, I cleared my throat to get her attention. She quickly looked away from her phone and saw the displeasing look on my face.

"I didn't know your phone was more important than me." I said. She gave me a weak smile before putting it down.

"Sorry. Kalin was texting me, asking was I excited for my birthday tomorrow." I nodded my head. She probably downplaying the conversation, but that's fine with me. I don't want to know what they really were talking about.

"Well are you excited? You're turning 18, finally will be consider as an adult."

Lexi smiled widely while nodding a yes, "Yeah I am, but I'm not doing anything big to celebrate it til this weekend though. Liam found a teen club for us to go to."

"A teen club?" I said with a frown.

"Um yeah. You don't have a problem with that right?" She kind of asked in a dumbfounded tone. As if I am supposed to be willing okay with her plans for her birthday.

But she's lucky I approve. I have went to a few teen clubs in my day and the night clubs once I hit the legal age were something else. But I won't tell her any of that. Not til she's maybe in her 20s.

I didn't answer her question just yet. The waitress had to take our orders. Once she was out of sight, I continued the conversation.

"No, I don't have a problem with your plans, Lexi." She let out a deep breathe that let me know she was relieve by my response. "I just want you to have fun and be responsible. And I mean that word in more than one way. I don't want you to get too crazy and do something you will regret because you were in the moment celebrating your day."

"I know mom." She simply stated while playing with her straw. I didn't want this conversation to turn into a lecture so let me just change the subject. Besides its a reason I took her out to breakfast.

"So, Shawn told me about your little mishap of ditching school yesterday with your friends." Lexi face instantly turned red. I chuckled. She really thought I wasn't going to find out. Even if he didn't tell me I would have eventually known somehow.

"He said he wasn't going to say anything." She mumbled.

"Baby girl, it was going to be told regardless. Besides if Shawn wouldn't have told me then it would have been his ass for keeping this a secret. But because I am in a good mood and food is going to be in my stomach soon, I am going to go easy on you. So, tell me why you thought it was such a great idea to ditch school and go to the mall?"

Lexi sighed and shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't have an explanation. "Girl, you better answer me before I become that embarrassing Black parent in here."

"Okay, okay." She sat up in the booth then gave me eye contact. "I was just tired of school honestly. Didn't want to go. None of us wanted to go actually." She said mentioning her friends. "So, we were talking in a group chat and decided to just go to the mall, shop around then chill later at Kalin's house. At the time I didn't see it as a big deal until Shawn caught me."

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