Chapter 21

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Nov. 20, 2028

"Quincy, I don't know what else to tell you. The answer is still no." I don't understand why he keeps bugging me about this.

"Come on Shawn, you are my last resort." He begged. I use my thumb and index finger to rub my temples. This boy was seriously working my nerves right now.

He's been begging me for the past thirty minutes to agree with letting him stay at the house for Thanksgiving. For what I know, he wasn't even coming at first. He was staying in New York and spending the holiday with some chick he's been messing with. Now suddenly, he's calling my phone saying he needs a place to stay because he doesn't have the money to afford a hotel.

"Quincy, you know Bey doesn't like you and with you being under her roof is not going to work. She might end up beating your ass bro." I was only joking but somewhat being serious too.

He smacked his lips, "Man Bey ain't that crazy. Besides I ain't trying to be in her way. I just need a place to crash for the few days okay. Tell her I promise to not work her nerves if she lets me stay. I'll be in y'all basement or something just come on Shawn."

Damn did he sound pathetic to me begging like he don't have pride or something. But this is what happens when you don't save your money correctly and spend it on whatever.

"Aight, man you can stay with us." He yelled out a loud ass yes in my ear. "Aye, don't get so happy. It's def some rules when it comes to staying with us. I don't want to hear no smart remarks towards my wife or about her. She don't wanna deal with your bullshit and neither do I so be on your best behavior."

"I gotcha bro. Thank you!" he hung up the phone before I could say something else to him. But he gets the gist.

The only thing now, I don't know how to tell Bey that Quincy is going to be staying with us. She can't stand his ass for shit.

Then not only that, we gotta put on this big ass front for our families. My mom is arriving tomorrow at 12:30pm and she has no clue what's going on with us at all. I don't want to break it to her and I know for sure Bey isn't going to say something, so we are about to be the fakest happiest family.

Shaking my head, I went back to my computer and to finish purchasing these Maxwell tickets.

My birthday is around the corner and I don't plan to do anything special, but chill with my wife and kids. I do however what to use these Maxwell tickets as a way for my wife to love me again. She's a huge fan and I know she might finally forgive me once I take her to this concert. And what makes it even better is that it's being held on my birthday, so I'll probably get lucky and get some.

Y'all don't know how depressing it's been since Bey hasn't given me any. Don't make it any better that she's fine as fuck and has body out this world.

I don't know how much longer I can use baby lotion and my hand. Fuck around and have one arm stronger than the other one.

Once Ticketmaster gave me the confirmation of my purchase tickets. I exit the site and closed my MacBook.

I was about to gather my things so that I can go. There wasn't a need for me to stay at work. We had our meeting earlier and covered everything before the holiday.

Just as I was putting my jacket on, my assistant knocked on my door and came right in. "You're leaving Mr. Carter?"

I nodded my head while zipping up my jacket, "Yeah got some things to take care of before my mother comes tomorrow."

"Oh alright, well I'll just tell Ms. Inga to come back another day to talk to you."

"Who? I don't know anyone with that name."

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