Chapter 13

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I stared in the mirror as I played with my hair. Trying to convince myself that going to this homecoming will do me some justice.

But I wasn't feeling it and I for damn sure wasn't feeling my look.

"Do I look to gothic?" I asked aloud

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"Do I look to gothic?" I asked aloud. My mother was in my room, sitting on the bed with a sleeping Angel in her arms.

I watched through the mirror as she lifted up her head to examine my outfit. "No sweetie, you look beautiful."

"You're only saying that because you're my mom."

She giggled and shook her head no, "Baby I wouldn't lie, if it was ugly I would have told you that. But I will say you wearing all black and going for the dark makeup is matching your mood." I turned from the mirror and looked at her. "You've been in a bad mood since you're father's accident. This past two weeks you have not smiled at all."

"What's to be happy for." I kind of mumbled.

"You have lots of reasons to be happy. But I am not going to get into tonight." My mom laid Angel down on the bed then walked over to where I was standing at.

My mom wasn't that much taller than me, but she still towers over me just a bit. She was playing with my hair like I did early while having this soft smile displayed. I knew she was just trying to cheer me up, but like she said my mood has been terrible ever since the police men informed me about the accident.

I wasn't even in the mood to go to this stupid dance but somehow both my mother and China convinced me that this will be a great way to distract my mind off of everything.

"You're too young to be stress about life. We been through this before and we will get through it. Regardless of the outcome okay. Just for tonight I want you to be a teenager and enjoy yourself. This is your last homecoming dance as a high school student and I don't want you to be worrying about your father. Do you understand?"

I stared into my mother's eyes and saw that she was serious about me forgetting about any and everything that will cause me to stress out.

I slowly nodded my head then said yes ma'am. "Good, now you don't have to come home at your set curfew, but I do want you to be in before 2 am. And you better make sure you have your keys because neither Shawn or I will be waking up out our sleep to open the door."

I told her okay then checked my phone to see China texting me that she was outside. "I'm about to go ma, China is outside waiting on me."

"Alright baby." She quickly pulled me into a hug then kissed my cheek. "Remember what I said okay. Love you and be safe."

"I love you too mama."

I walked over to my bed so that I could give my baby a kiss before I left. She was still sleeping so peacefully. My mom is in for a rude awakening for making Angel take a late nap. I'm sure she will be up in another hour with full of energy.

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