Chapter 40

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"Do you guys think we are going to get in trouble because I feel like we are." China panicked. Kalin, Liam, and I all laughed at her acting so damn scared.

This was her first-time ditching school and my best friend was a nervous wreck. I laughed while throwing my arm around her.

"China, sweetie relax okay. We are not going to get in trouble. All our parents are at work. We all gave the attendance office a fake note that they think are parents wrote so they can't mark us down as absent nor call our parents and say we weren't present at school today."

Yeah, we had this all planned out. Today isn't senior ditch day but none of us didn't want to go to school today. Kalin was actually the only one who could convince his parents to let him miss today so he was good. China, Liam, and I were the ones who had to create the fake notes and go the extra mile to ditch and not have it on our attendance record as an unexcused absent.

Senior itis is real, and we are all patiently waiting for graduation to come soon. I don't even care about prom and luncheon. Just bring on graduation so I can be out this bitch.

China calmed down a bit but was still somewhat paranoid. None of us was going to babysit her so we all shrugged it off. We were at the mall for a reason.

To have fun and shop for my birthday outfit so I'll be damn if I had to cuddle my best friend and hold her hand as if she was a little kid.

"So, where do my baby wanna shop at first?" Kalin asked as he playfully pulled me away from China. He held me from behind as we walked to wherever.

"Uhhh I don't know." I answered. "I don't even know what style I am going for. I want it to be cute but simple since my birthday is on a weekday."

"Nonsense. Nothing is ever just simple on you. My baby go be looking fine as shit for her big day." I blushed at his compliment.

"Let's go to Charlette Russe, they usually have some cute stuff." I had already bought a few things online, but if it doesn't fit me like how I want it then whatever I buy at the mall will be back up outfits.

The four of us looked around the store. Well China and I were really. The guys weren't caring that we were in a girls' shopping store. They were becoming so impatient with us trying on outfits and critiquing it that they dipped off and went into a shoe store or game stop. They said one or another.

"I think this would be cute, but it doesn't seem like birthday material to me." I criticize the simple short black dress. It was cute but not appealing enough.

"Well what are you looking for? Your outfit has to match the setting of wherever your going to celebrate at." China advise as she looked through the rake of clothes.

She had found herself a cute top and jeans. It wasn't her birthday, so she wasn't going all out, but she did need to find something that was an approval look as the best friend of the birthday girl. When I couldn't find anything in Charlette Russe, we went over to Topshop to find something.

It was easier for me to find a couple of outfits since their clothing was a bit cuter to me. They were a tad expensive, but I made it work. Of course, Kalin wanted to help pay for one of my outfits but I quickly denied. I didn't want him doing that just yet for me.

"So, I know this guy right." Liam said getting our attention. We had shopped for more than two hours and now we had an appetite out this world. "He works at Club 2020. I told him about Lexi birthday coming up and said he could get us in for free that Friday since they are closed on Wednesday. No coverage charges or nothing."

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