Chapter 45

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4 months later

"What's your favorite memory of us?" Shawn ask in my ear

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"What's your favorite memory of us?" Shawn ask in my ear. We were outside in our backyard enjoying the August weather.

I laid my head back on his shoulder as he rubbed my now 8 months belly. I was thinking hard on my favorite memory of us. We had too many just to pick one.

"That's unfair. Why would you ask a hard ass question like that." He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"I was just asking babe. I know I have mine."

I turn my head to the side to look at him. "You do?"

He nodded his head "I mean it ain't number one but it is something I do think about a lot."

"What memory is that?" I was curious now.

"The first time we said I love you to each other. You remember it don't you? We had our first break up over that Mya bullshit but somehow we found our way back to each other. I was tired of holding it in so the day of us going out and working things out I finally got the courage to say it to you."

I smiled as my eyes got teary eyed. I remember that day perfectly.

"But my top memory though is you telling me you were pregnant with Blue. I know I didn't go about it the right way to get you pregnant, but I couldn't help but wanting to start a family with the love of my life. The moment you told me you were pregnant I jumped for joy despite me knowing how fucked up it was going about it."

"Yeah you did "trap" me but it's okay though. Eventually I was going to get pregnant the way we were having sex."

"Like now?" He joked while rubbing my stomach. The both of us laughed.

The laughter eventually died down and the comfortable silence took over. As the wind blew softly my mind went back to his question. "What's your favorite memory of us."

"I have a memory." I told him quietly.

"And that is?" I smiled shyly as I was about to admit it. I don't know why though it's not like it's a secret or something to be ashamed about.

"The first time we had sex."

Shawn laughed "Seriously? Wouldn't have expected that."

"What you thought it would be!"

"I don't know. Maybe our wedding day, getting engaged. Some romantic shit like that. Fucking you on the first date was some wild ass shit. Well at least for you."

I giggled "Yeah it was. But that was the first time I did something so fresh. From the first night I knew your dick game was dangerous."

He laughed again while shaking his head this time. "You are something else Bey. But thanks for the compliment. I take pride in my stroke game."

"You're welcome babe. But you are right though. My top memory of us is our wedding day. That was the best day of my life. And it's crazy because this is my second marriage yet it doesn't feel like it. You honestly did your job in making your wife happy."

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