Chapter 28

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November 30, 2028

"Can't wait til I'm done with this class" I mumble to myself

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"Can't wait til I'm done with this class" I mumble to myself. I was in my Senior Seminar class and I was bored out of my mind.

Mrs. Saunders was going on about how we should hear from all the colleges we applied to within 10 to 15 days. She wanted us to bring in all copies of our college acceptance letters so that we can make a portfolio out of it and turn it in as our final.

"So you guys have an idea about what the final will be. Make sure you check your email and your mailbox for your acceptance letters. As soon as everyone brings in at least five we will start working on the project."

While she went on and on about nothing. I picked up my phone and unlock it. It was 20 minutes left in this class but yet it feels like 40.

Scrolling through my timeline on Facebook, I noticed I had a few friend request. Looking at three girls who requested me I seen that not only did I not know them but we also didn't have any mutual friends so I chalked it up as these were fake pages.

I liked a few pictures and statuses then exit the app. The time was now two minutes before the bell was about to ring. Thank Goodness!!

"Oh and remember do not do your portfolio any type of way. I will be grading on neatness so keep that in mind." Mrs. Saunders stated over the ringing of the bell.

Quickly I gathered my items and was about to power walk out this damn class. But my teacher just had to call my name. Do she not understand that I am ready to leave.

Turning back around, I put on a fake smile and walked over to her desk. "Mrs. Saunders, you called me?"

"Yes, I did" she sat down and pulled out some paper work. "So I see you indeed applied to the 10 colleges that you were required to do."

"Um yeah. Figured I had to do so I can graduate right." She nodded her head but kept her focus on the paper she had in front of her.

She was taking forever to say whatever was on her mind. It may be something bad because she keeps staring at this damn paper she has. Getting restless I sat down in the chair that was in front of her desk and asked her what it was that she wanted to talk about.

Mrs. Saunders finally look up and sighed,"Lexi, reading this list I notice you applied to quite a few universities. They are all pretty much in the southern states so it's obvious you want to stay close to home."

"But I'm just curious, why didn't you apply to any community colleges."

I frowned, "why would I apply to community colleges when my ACT, my gpa and grades are overall great."

"Not all people go to community colleges due to bad grades or test scores. Some people are not ready to go off to a university so they start off small, some people can't afford it so community college works out cheaper for them and due to certain distractions community college can benefit them as well."

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