Chapter 6

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Sept. 8, 2028 

 8, 2028 

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"Mommy, it's nasty." Angel complained making a disgusted face.

"It's oatmeal, you always eat it in the morning."

"BB's better" she said causing Blue and Sage to laugh. I shot them a look and they quickly shut up. Well Sage did, Blue still was giggling.

"I could have made better oatmeal than that. You were basically feeding the girl soup." Blue had to put her two cents in it.

"Whatever, Angel just wants to be difficult right now." I took the bowl from in front of her and poured the oatmeal in the trash.

"Toast! Toast!" Angel shouted out, indicating she wanted to eat some Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. I wasn't even about to debate this with her, I just grab the cereal and fix her a small bowl.

"That's what you should have fixed her in the first place instead of that water down oatmeal you attempted to make."

"Blue, how about I smash your face into your cereal bowl to make you shut up."

"Gesh take a chill pill, I was only joking with you." I didn't care to respond back, I was in no mood to joke right now or at all today.

I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed and everything and everyone was annoying me. I can't wait to get this day over with so that I can come home and go to sleep. Thankfully I don't have to work today.

While I was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and washing out the kids' bowls, my mom walked into the kitchen with her pajamas on. She was still on vacation so Shawn was the one who will be taking the kids to school.

"Good morning babies." She went around giving everyone a kiss then stopped at me.

"Why are you looking me up and down?"

"They're not going to say anything about your shirt?" she questioned.

I looked down at my shirt then shrugged. I didn't see anything wrong with it, but I do know how much teachers will trip if they see you showing too much skin.

"I'll grab a jean jacket just in case." My mother nodded her head then went into the fridge to find her whatever.

I grabbed Angel's sippy cup and handed it to her since she was acting like she was so thirsty. She was dancing around trying to grabbed it from me which resulted in it slipping out of my hand and onto the floor. The juice spilt out the cup making a mess.

"Damnit Angel!" I sat our things on the counter and ripped off two paper towels to clean this mess up.

"Sowrry mommy."

"I told you about playing so much." I lectured her. I looked up to see her lips quivering and her eyes watering, it didn't take long for her to be full out crying and running out the kitchen. She more than likely went to cry to someone who will baby her.

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