Chapter 16

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Furiously, I walked inside of the house looking for that lying bastard.

For 3 months he lied to me. Said he never slept with Foxy and that she was only his friend.

He failed tremendously to say that he once upon a time fuck his friend.

And even if Foxy is lying what gives her the right to lie. Why would she be so comfortable to lie on her pussy and say she fucked Shawn before he came out here.

Too many thoughts are running through my mind right now and the only person who can settle this is my lying ass husband.

I finally found him in the backyard talking to a few guys. Not caring that I was about to ruin his fun, I walked over to him and stood in front of him displaying a pissed off face.

"We need to talk. Now." The guys grew quiet while Shawn scoffed.

"The fuck? You're asking or you telling me?"

"I'm demanding that you take your black ass in that house so that we can talk." All of the guys did a dramatic ass "ohhh" behind us.

Shawn smacked his lips as he grabbed my arm to walk the both of us into the house. "You trying to embarrass me or something. The fuck you coming over here with an attitude for."

I quickly snatch myself from him causing him to spill his cup. A big ass Hennessey stained his all white shirt.

"Damn Bey really!" he yelled. We were now in the kitchen gathering a few stares from people.

I folded my arms and shrugged "I don't care about your shirt. What I do care about is how the fuck you lied to me repeatedly."

He stopped staring at his shirt and frowned, "What are you talking about I never lied to you."

"So, Foxy just lying on your dick huh?"

"Foxy" he mumbled. But it's like it clicked in his head when he saw her come into the kitchen with a smirk on her face. He kind of pushed me out the way and went over to her. Yelling in her face. "Yo what the fuck you say to my wife!"

"Jay back the fuck up."

"Naw fuck that shit, why you planting bullshit in her head."

"Bullshit? Did we not fuck two nights before you left to move out here to Houston? Did we not vow to never speak about it ever again?"

"So, why you bring it up?!"

Hearing him yell that caused me to get right back angry. How the fuck you go from denying it to saying it's true.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Logan questioned as she came into the kitchen with Naomi. Both had worried looks on their faces. "Bey, is everything okay?"

All I could do was shake my head and walk towards Shawn and Foxy. They were still going back and forth shouting insults to each other as everyone in the party looked on. This is so embarrassing right now. Here we are again dealing with some bullshit that could have easily been resolved with the truth.

Using one hand to wipe my tears and the other one to yank Shawn by his jacket. I did not want him to continue arguing with Foxy. This was our issue as a married couple despite her ass being the root of the problem.

"That's why you ain't shit and never go be shit in life!" Shawn insulted as we left out the kitchen.

"Fuck you Shawn!"

I dragged him all the way until we got into the bathroom on the first floor. I slammed the door while Shawn paced back and forth still throwing shots at Foxy. "That low down dirty bitch, I swear on everything." He mumbled.

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