Chapter 43

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April 1, 2029

"Child I can't believe you're pregnant again." Gloria said while shaking her head and reaching into her purse. I watch her intensively as she pulled out some money and began counting it. "But nevertheless, I am happy for you and my son." She said as she handed my mother the money she just counted out.

I frowned as my mom chuckle and put the money in her bra. I know these two old heifers did not bet on me and my uterus.

"Um, why did you just count out 500 dollars and handed it to my mom? Did y'all bet on if I was going to have another baby or not."

Both of them looked at each other before laughing and nodding their heads. They laughed for another minute then my mom explained their little bet. "I told Gloria before Sage turned 10 you were going to pop another out. We betted on this 3 years ago and now I just secured 500 dollars. Thank you, baby."

Rolling my eyes, I sat up a little bit as I rubbed on my growing belly. "Forget both of y'all. Y'all acting like all Shawn and I do is have sex and have kids."

"I am not even going to entertain that comment." My mom said as she waved me off. I giggled a bit because I did set myself up for that one. But they still didn't have to bet on me with their rude selves.

They went on to changing the topic from them guessing when I was going to get pregnant again to them now trying to guess what Shawn and I were having.

I kindly ignore them as I zone out into my own world. The three of us were sitting on my patio in the backyard. The spring weather had arrived, and it felt nice enough to sit outside eating on fruit and drinking a strawberry sangria. Well of course, my mothers are drinking. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with drinking a bottle of water to keep myself hydrated.

I'm loving the vibe of my family I must say. For the past two months things have been going smoothly. I told Blue and Sage and even Angel about the new edition that will be added to the family soon. Surprisingly they weren't upset or anything. Their reaction was better than Lexi which made me laugh. The younger kids could handle me being pregnant better than their older sister. So opposite if you ask me.

After I told the kids about the pregnancy the next people of course were our mothers. Shawn had spoke to his mother two weeks earlier and she spoke about how she missed the kids and was thinking about coming out here for at least a week.

Taking that as an opportunity, Shawn offered to pay for her airline ticket to come visit during the first week of April and with no hesitation she accepted the offer. She arrived here last night, so I called my mother and told her to come over to the house in the afternoon. So what better way then to reveal my pregnancy to them by wearing a tight fitted shirt to show off my growing belly. Their reaction was priceless when they saw it, but then y'all saw how they quickly flipped it to them betting on me as if they knew my body and knew if my husband and I were planning for another child.

"Bey, girl! Have you heard anything we have said to you?" Gloria asked breaking me from day dreaming. I shifted my eyes towards them and shook my head no. "See Tina I told you she wasn't listening to us. We probably could have said any and everything about her and she wouldn't have known."

"And what were you guys saying?"

"We were asking you when are you due and when do you find out the sex of the baby."

"Oh" I simply said then sat up in my chair. Despite the weather not being extremely warm, I was becoming hot due to the sun blazing on the patio. Grabbing a napkin, I turned it into a fan and began to wave it. "Dr. Hawthorne predicted the baby coming on my birthday, but I don't know the sex of the baby just yet. Shawn and I find out tomorrow morning."

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