Chapter 32

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December 4, 2028

6:32 am

With my eyes closed and my legs shaking, I panted heavily as my husband brought me to a tear dropping orgasm.

I dug my nails into his arm as my body shook uncontrollably.

"Damn baby." He grunted in my ear. I already knew me coming all over him was enough to get him off. He held onto my thigh tightly as I felt him fill me up.

When he was done he brought my leg down and pulled himself out of me. I moaned softly from the feeling. I honestly can't even tell you what happened after that. My baby honestly worn me out.

It's like his sex drive done went up since today is his birthday. We had sex last night for almost three hours straight. We had gone to bed around 1 something so you would think that would be enough for him but nope.

He woke me up 5 this morning by his head being in between my thighs and it just took over from there.

Unlike last night he couldn't go for hours this morning. The kids need to be waken up so that they can get ready for school.

Unless Lexi has that handle.

"Shit I'm tired." I heard him say following a deep breath. "Your pussy always wearing me out."

With the bit of strength, I had, I turned over so that I could face him. He was laying on his back with his eyes close and his hands on his chest.

"You're going back to sleep?"

"Hell yeah! I put in too much work to not get a nap in." I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed.

"We do have kids that needs to be taken care of."

With his eyes still close he responded "Girl you got this. I'll be up in an hour or two."

Not even bothering to make him get up, I just flipped the covers back, so I could wake these kids up.

There was no surprise when I went into Blue's room she was giving me such a hard time. I don't know what it is, but this girl hates to get waken up from her sleep. Sage was a bit easier, he was fussy but that's expected since he likes to think he can stay up all night.

Lexi was old enough to get herself up and get her and Angel ready so I'm not going to worry about going into her room. As long as she knows she's taking her butt to school then we're fine.

Going back into my room, Shawn had the nerve to really be sleep. Granted it's his birthday and he did just put it down, but I still would like for him to get up. I need to take a shower and don't want to rush out so that these kids can be on time for school.

"Mommy can we wake daddy up? I wanna tell him happy birthday before we leave." Blue asked as I fixed their cereal. It was too time consuming to cook them some breakfast.

"After you guys finished eating then you would have to make it quick." Both her and Sage nodded their heads then proceeded to eat.

To put something in my stomach for the time being, I got an apple slices and caramel packet out of the fridge. As I was opening it, Angel and Lexi came walking in looking a hot mess. Lexi hair was everywhere, and she was wearing a loose white t-shirt with black leggings and Angel hair was the same way while she wore a kids black jogging suit.

Both my girls just look liked they didn't care about life.

Lexi saw my disapproval of how they looked as she reached for a banana to give baby girl.

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