Chapter 30

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December 1, 2028

"You're not going to do anything crazy to him right, Shawn? At the end of the day he's still Angel's father."

I looked over at Lexi and shrugged my shoulders. Truth be told I got hella anger pent up so there is no telling how far I would go. Plus Michael went too far thinking he could break her phone and deny taking her home as if he wasn't the reason she was even over his house in the first place.

When Lexi realize I wasn't giving her an answer she didn't push it. She just sat back in her seat and folded her arms.

"Remember all you gotta do is get Angel and come back to the car. Ain't no arguing with him or nothing. I'll handle his disrespectful ass." I reminded her of the plan. It was honestly pretty simple, but Lexi just had to cooperate.

She nodded her head and let out a sigh, "Alright but you also need to remember that whatever you do can cause you to go to jail if Michael wants to presses charges against you."

All I could do was let out a small chuckle. Knowing his scary ass he probably would, but I think I can scare him enough to not even want to involve the police or even utter a word about this to the next person.

Opening up the car door, we both got out and headed to Michael's apartment building. It was 8 in the morning so not many people were here. At least the parking lot made it seem like that. There were only a few cars in the parking lot so that means only a few witness will hear anything going down.

His apartment was on the second floor so we took the stairs. Once we reached his door, Lexi knocked hard enough for him to hear it. I step to the side just in case he wanted to look in the peephole and see who was at his door. I didn't want him to know I was here just yet.

It took Lexi knocking once again for him to finally answer the damn door. "Man what the hell yo ass want."

"I came to pick up my daughter."

Michael laughed "Why? So you can be a hoe and have her around some nigga I never meet before?"

It was time to make my presence known. He was not going to call her out her name while I was standing right here.

"You wanna repeat yourself." I said to him in a calm voice. His scary ass jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Mr. Car-Carter what y-you doing h-here." He stuttered making Lexi smirked.

In my same calm voice I answered him, "Don't worry about why I am here. Lexi said she came to get her daughter so that's what she's about to do."

Michael cleared his throat, "No offense Mr Carter but Angel is my daughter as well and I have the right to keep her. Especially if I feel like her mother is putting her in harms way."

Rolling my eyes I pushed Michael out the way and stepped into his apartment with Lexi walking behind me. I may not know this boy who she's currently seeing, but I doubt Lexi will have her child around him so soon.

I turned around and saw Lexi walking towards whatever room that Angel would be in.

"This is trespassing you know. I could call the cops on you."

I turned my attention back on him then shrugged "I can also call the police and tell them how you went against my daughter's will and brought her to your house, got angry with her and broke her phone and refused to take her home knowing you were her only ride."

"Seems like you can get arrested for kidnapping from the looks of it."

"I'll bring her back when you got some sense." Lexi said breaking us from the little stared down we had going on. She was carrying Angel on her hip. I could tell she had woken her up because she was rubbing her eyes.

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