The life of an office worker.

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Peridot POV

I sighed and tapped my pen on the desk.

This isn't what I wanted. When I joined the agency I thought I'd be in the field, hell I passed all their stupid tests!

But nope, they stuck me behind a desk. Filling out arrest papers and other stuff I didn't care about.

3 months and i hadn't even been given a case. I didn't care what it was. Just something. Something other than sitting in this office.

I growled.

I leaned back, rubbing my temples, as i heard my door open.

"Hey P."

"Don't call me that, amy."

I looked at her, she was just shorter than me, with long died blonde hair. Her face wore concern.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Want something?"

She shrugged. "Just making sure you're alright"

I stood up. "Oh yeah, I'm just great. Sitting here all day instead of being in the feild is JUST what I wanted."

She rolled her eyes. "Im sure the chief is just placing you where you fit best. Don't sweat it too much, you'll get a case eventually."

"It doesn't matter." I reached for my phone, seeing that my shift was finally up. "Im going home."

She stopped me on my way out.

"Just... take care of yourself..."

"I'm fully capable. Night Amy."

I carried the box of files over to reception, who were probably on their break. Amy had disappeared, probably gone home too, but I didn't really care.

I stepped toward the elevator, when a husky voice spoke behind me.


I sighed. "Yes, sir?"

I didn't turn around, hoping he was just going to say see you tomarrow or something. But I was wrong.

"I need to talk to you. In my office, please"

What now? Every time he called me to his office I either got in trouble because of a mistake another agent made, or he gave me another batch or files.

"Sir, can't this wait for tomarow? I'm very tired..."

I finally turned. His face was expressionless.

"NO, it can't."

I nodded, a little more scared, his tone was different. I followed him into his office and he shut the door.

I glanced at him, suddenly more nervous. Why did he close the door?

He turned to me. "You've been doing a fine job, agent greene."

I was so confused. "I... thank you? Sir is something... wrong?"

I suddenly realized how stressed he looked.

"I've been reviewing your files, from training. I dont know how I didn't realize how skilled you were."

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow. He was... complementing me?

He leaned back in his chair. "You've been wasting your time." I felt a little angry, but he wasn't finished.

"You don't belong to a desk, peridot."

I shivered a little as he used my real name. He had never used it.

He sat forward. "Im sure you're aware of the retirement of a few agents are coming"

"I don't really, pay much mind to things like that... sir. But.. uh... yes. I've heard of a few."

He nodded. "Losing at least 3 good agents within the next month. And I need some new ones in the feild."

I felt myself straighten. "Are you... asking me to..."

"Be a field agent? Yes." He looked at me, his face now a bit more relaxed, and he looked at me with a hopeful gaze.

"I don't know what to say sir... i... I would love that." I scoffed a little. "That desk isn't exactly favourable."

He laughed a little, and stood up, walking towards me.

"Well I'm glad. I have a case for you." He flipped through some folders on his desk and pulled one out.

"It's been... cold for awhile. But I'm sure if you're as smart as i believe you to be, you can crack it."

I smiled as he hands it to me. But his smile fades.

"There is... however... a catch."

I looked up. "A catch sir? To a case?"

He nodded, sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Due to... a issue... which I'm not... allowed to say anything about..."

He looked up, almost with a pity look on his face.

"I have to assign... you a... uhh... partner... of sorts."

I looked at him funny. A partner? Why did he look so upset about it? Was I already doing something wrong?

"Ill... fill you in on that tomorrow, you get some rest." He tapped the folder in my hand. "Look over it tonight if you dont mind."

I nodded, and left. I felt myself shake in both excitement and fear.

I had my first case.

A/N okay so I planned to do only one chapter a day but I'm too exited and have like five chapters ready to publish so here you go. Also, muahhahahahah I did a time thing. Lapis POV will be tomarrow. Or maybe tonight depending if I decide to be trash.

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