Not Again

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Peri POV

I left. I walked away again. I didn't want to, but it was clear by the way she acted. She didn't look at me, just cleaned of my face.

She had practicly ordered me to let her wipe my face off. I had obeyed.

I would do anything for her...

I felt a tear fall down my face and i wiped it, climbing the stairs toward the exit of the warehouse. I nodded at the bouncer and exited.

Great. It was pouring now. I growled and leaned against the wall, covering myself with my jacket. The bouncer didn't look at me, and for that I was glad.

I waited for a sec, and gave in. I can always have this suit cleaned. I'm done with this party. I walked out, covering my jacket, to save something at least.

I had only been walking for a few seconds when I heard shouts behind me. Lapis. I walked a little faster. No no no...

I heard a splash and a small curse. I turned. She had fallen, and was gripping her knee and cursing under her breath. I stopped.

Could I really leave her like that AGAIN? She had probably skinned her knee... I sighed...

I took a deep breath and ran back, putting my jacket over her head. "You okay?" She looked up, surprised.

"I..." she just kept staring. I looked back at her knee. Yep, skinned. I sighed again

"C'mon, I'm not leaving you in the rain." I pulled her hand over my shoulder, and continued to cover her head with my suit jacket as i headed to my car.


Lapis POV

I couldn't let her leave like that. She had said sorry... She thought I hated her?

I pushed my way out of the bathroom, and looked around. She was already out of sight. I saw her climbing the stairs though, and I rushed, pushing through the crowd.

I had nearly reached the stairs when a familier drunk girl stopped me.

"Ayyyy... laz...uli!" I gave an annoyed groan. Amy though, laughed.

"Amy i..." she put her finger on my lips to shut me up

"Nonono.... I... i want to tell you something..." she looked a bit more serious, but honestly, how serious did she expect me to take her in her drunken state?

"I invited someone else...*hic*... peridork..." she giggled and pointed at the bar.

"I think she's over... over there? I don't know... you two should talk..." I looked down at her. So she planned this? She knew me and Peri had a fight!?

"She's been all sad and junk.... and you havent... been around? So I like... thought it'd be... good..." her words were so slurred.

Peri had been upset? Why didn't she call? I really needed to get to her before she left.

"Thanks Amy, I'll go talk to her" I pushed her off gently and ran up the stairs. Please be here... please...

"GO GET ER' " I smiled and shook my head as Amy yelled.

When I got outside, rain was pouring down, but I didn't care. I saw a figure walking away and I yelled after her.

I ran, but it was a bad idea. I slipped and skinned my knee. "Fu...mmmm" I gripped my knee and cursed under my breath more.

Why? Of course with my luck. I wanted to curse out everything. Curse the sky for rain, curse myself for my feelings, curse Steven for this mess...

Suddenly a jacket was over my head and I turned.

"You okay?" I just stared at her. Her eyes were worried, even though her face was mostly blank.

"I..." what was I supposed to say to her? She looked at my knee and sighed. "C'mon, I'm not leaving you out in the rain" she pulled my right arm over her shoulder and half carried me.

My face was red as peridot helped me into her car.

She left her jacket around my shoulders. I pulled it closer to me as she came around the front and closed her car door. She sighed and leaned back.

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes. I wanted it to end the silence, but honestly I didn't know what to say.

Do I apologize? Do I ask her what's wrong? I shivered a little. Her jacket smelled like her. Like cheap plastic and clean bedsheets, and a hint of some strange perfume.

"Im... I'm sorry." I turned. It was barely heard, a whisper. She had her hands on her face.

"I'm sorry lapis. I'm sorry about everything..." her voice was weak and I could see tears. I wanted to hug her but she sat forward, moving her hands.

"I've never been more confused about anything in my entire life... I've never doubted myself, and I've never been in a situation like this...."

She rubbed her face again then turned to me. Her eyes were almost like they were back in the forest, but softer. I just looked at her.

"Peri..." I put my hand on her shoulder. "If you are upset with me, just let me know." She tilted her head in confusion then her eyes widened.

"Oh.. oh god... No that's not... I'm such an idiot..." she put her head in her hands again. "Lapis... I was never upset with you! It was all me... I didn't mean to... it wasn't your fault!"

I kept my hands on her shoulder. "Peri... Peri it's okay..." she shuddered, then turned.

"But its not Lapis! I..." she sighed, looking down. There was another short silence, as she took deep breaths.

Then She looked back up, grabbing my hand.

"You... you make me... god... i..." she was blushing madly, trying to find words, and I couldn't help but blush back, it was so unbelievably cute.

"Lapis, I have alot of... feelings. I've never had them before, and I didn't know how to act... that day, in the forest... they all just..." her hand was shaking, and I tightened my grip. Was she confessing to me!?

"I'm sorry for hurting you... I never wanted to hurt you lapis...." I wiped away some tears and gave her a weak smile.

"Peri... it's okay... really.... I'm here...." I leaned in and rested my head on Her shoulder. I attempted to wrap my arms around her but couldnt due to the weird position we were in.

Her breathing slowed again, and I intertwined our fingers. She didn't move as i did, and I felt a small smile come onto my face.

She leaned her head against mine, as the patter of rain became stronger, and lightning struck in the distance.

(Wiggles brows)

I need this... I need YOU! (lapidot Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now