Are you kidding me?

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Peri's POV

I groaned, hearing my alarm clock. I reached sleepily towards it, missing it several times before finally hitting the butten.

I rolled over, attempting to get up.

Instead I rolled off my bed and hit my head on the floor. Great start peridot. Just... perfect.

I got up, rubbing my head, and I wobble over to my basket of clean clothes, managing to find a clean uniform.

I slipped it on, and continued with my morning routine.

[A/N I'm too lazy to go through it lol]

I finally opened my door, and was locking it when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped and spun around.

"Hey peridot."

I breathed relief. "Huh... it's only you steven." He smiled.

"So? How was you and lapis's talk?"

I gave him a confused look. "Who? Who's that?"

He tilted his head, looking concerned. "I told her to come find you yesterday to talk, did she not?"

I suddenly went pale. That girl.

"Oh.... uh..." I looked up, giving him a "whoops" and a look to match.

"What did you do?" He said.

"I uh..." I suddenly found myself blushing, but then I looked up defensively.

"Ok, I may have been... a little... rude. But Steven you should've heard that girl! She thought I was a guy!"

Steven bent over laughing. "Oh my stars... she... she did!?" He snickered and try's to straighten back up. "Now that I think about it... i did never use pronouns."

I gave him and angry look and he laughed again. "Sorry."

I sighed. "It's fine. It was... uh... Good to see you. I have to get to work."

"Right. Have a good time!" He winked before walking off.

What? Have a good time? At WORK?


As I walked, I couldn't help but think about that girl. Lapis? That what Steven had called her.

Clod. Thinking I was a guy.

Then that brought me to a question: why? Why would she want to come talk to me? What did Steven have to...


I held back my usaul growl of annoyance. I know why. I had never had many friends. Steven was always telling me I should go out and meet people. But I'm not one to do stuff like that.

He must've sent her to try to befriend me.

Clods. Both of them. Though I had to admit, lapis had seemed as nervous as i usually was in such a situation. Talking to someone new can be hard.

I sighed. If i.. if I EVER see her, I'll apologize. Though I bet it won't make her feel and less embarrassed at the fact she assumed my gender.

I almost laughed. And I thought about how cute she had been. Blushing madly like a child cought doing something wrong.

I didn't, but I did allow a smile to spread across my face.

[A/N I realize not much happened in this chapter, the next two are much better sorry, also I want to explain something.

For the purpose of realism, I am changing the gems names to ones that are more... human.

Example: Amy, who is amythest, is Peri's coworker and friend.

Stevens last name is Verse instead of universe.

I just wanted to clear this up in case of you beautiful people were confused. On that note I'm really greatful you guys have read my story this far. Thank you so much!]

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