Getting To Me

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I had to trust him to keep his word. I hated to, but the situation was delicate. He didn't call, which part of me was glad for, and part of me hated.

I just prayed she would be okay.

At least until I got there.

I smiled, shutting the trunk, and shaking hands with the kid in the hoodie. I made a side note to report him later.

When I got back in my car, I closed my eyes and set my head on the steering wheel. I was doing this. I wouldn't go back for anything. Except maybe to prevent this whole mess in the first place…

But I came to the conclusion that after four days of no news from the fuckers who took Lapis, I had to get a plan. 

And that meant guns.

I wanted to make another stop first though…


The knock echoed into the nearly empty apartment, and I could hear the surprisingly light footsteps come up to the door and open it. I only gave a nod, and he returned it with a guilty smile.

"I've been trying to do better." He murmured, passing me a cup of coffee. "I willingly asked for a parole officer. And this…" he pulled his sweats up a bit to reveal a tracker. "They come after me if I get within three yards of a bar and stay there for more than three minutes. Specific, but better than immediately. I could easily pass by a bar in this city…"

I just nodded. "I'm glad, Casper."

He looked up again, then set his hands on the table. "I heard they got her then, hmm?"

It made my chest ache, and I looked down at the coffee. "That's why I'm here… Casper if you know anything-"

"I don't, Peridot. I'm sorry that's a fact. But…" he rubbed his neck. "I do have this… friend I guess you could say, that might be able to help you pinpoint a likely location. Very good with data and criminal minds.*

"Are they a criminal themselves?" I asked, taking a sip of the coffee.

"They do whatever they have to do to get by. Including unsavory things. If you'd rather stick to legal means I can't help you."

I smiled tiredly. "At this point I don't care as long as they get the job done. I swear not to report them. It does me no favors anyway." I looked down at my coffee blankly. "I just… I need to get Lapis back. Doing it by the book isn't going to work. I'm out of options."

There was a pause, and he stood. "One more condition, then I'll give you and address."

"And what's that?" I said quietly, meeting his face, surprised at the tense body but sad eyes.

"Kill them all, Greene. Every last one."


"And your… friend, is sure?"

"He hacked into security cameras, tracked purchases, a bunch of other bullshit. I trust him. It's Luis tower. But hey uh… there's a point where it's supposed to shut down temporarily. It might be safest and best to go then."

"When?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"Next Sunday."

"What if they kill her…" I felt my own voice shake, and I wanted to kick myself, but Casper didn't hesitate with an answer.

"They like to fuck with people Peridot. Put fear in your mind. You can't give up because they put those doubts in your head. And Lapis is strong. Hell she carried your ass home after I knocked you out. She'll make it. I would bet my life on it." 

I nodded, not that he could see it over the phone. Instead I glanced outside to meet the slow rising sun. "Sunday then. I promise I won't go sooner."

I hung up before he could push me to promise a second time. It was strange. It was friendly, how we talked. It made me smile. Life is strange.

But I hopped up, slipping on a black uniform and a shoulder holster, then a jacket. I had agreed to see my father today. I had been trying to everyday, but sometimes they said he shouldn't be bothered. The nurse who turned me away always had a smile of pity, which I partly appreciated and partly hated.

The hospital was familiar by now, and I easily made my way to my dad's room, meeting the sight of my dad laughing and trying to explain something to my brother.

"Hey, dad." I said slowly, and they both turned to me, my dad's eyes softening. 

"Hello, Dottie. How are you?" He took my hand gently when I stopped next to his bed. "Have they made any progress with finding your… er… partner?" He smiled.

"Kindof. They have an idea…" a lie. But he didn't need to know my plan. "Anyhow I should be asking you how YOU'RE feeling, dad." I smiled in return. 

"Well other than the needles… I'd say I'm fine. I've never liked hospitals." He wrinkled up his nose, turning to look at the IV.

I looked up to Emil, who gave me a sort of questioning gaze. I chose to ignore it. "And what about you, brother? The company alright?"

"The head of security is a moron." He said flatly. "He does his job, not really well but… I hate to pressure but are you going to uh… take the job?" He leaned forward a bit, as if also insisting on something else.

"Yes. Not at this exact moment, but yes. I have to do something before then." And it's none of your concern.

We kept talking, and although I still had Lapis and what I was going up against in the back of my mind, it was nice to relax somewhat.

After about an hour and a half, I bid a quick goodbye, and waved as I exited the room. It annoyed me that I heard footsteps follow. Not even halfway down the hall I crossed my arms and turned around to meet Emil. "What?"

"Something's going on with you. And you don't have to tell me what, I just know it's big. Please be careful, Dottie." He whispered the nickname, looking at me. "We just got you back. It's scary enough with the whole kidnapper situation, but as long as it's been I know when you're hiding something." 

He took a step forward, and I dropped my hands to my sides. "Stay safe, stay good, and stay alive." He gave a small smile, patted me on the shoulder, but before he could turn I grabbed his arm. He was shocked, looking at me intently.

"I will. But you and Dad aren't the only family I have. And Ill be dahmed if I lose anyone else." I whisper yelled, not in anger, but frustration. "Just… keep dad company. If things go right, I'll see you next Monday. And I'll have someone with me."

He opened his mouth to speak, but j simultaneously released his arm and spin around, walking away with my heart beating loudly in my chest. 

Maybe the pressure was getting to me.

Haha bitche's I'm alive

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