Who will they be?

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Lapis POV

I walked hurriedly, trying to follow him.

"Sir please, I've worked for weeks on this!"

He growled, angry. "I dont care ms. Lazuli im not putting that story in our RESPECTABLE paper."

I felt angry. "It's a perfectly respectable story!"

He finally turned, grabbing the papers in my hands and shoving a finger in my face.

"Our readers don't want to read about some FAGs getting exited at some FAG parade." He growled. "LET. IT. GO."

He walked off, throwing the copy of my story in the trash as he went. I felt my fists clench.

What a.... Grr sometimes I wanted to strangle him. What was wrong with being gay?

I felt myself smile a little. Little did he know...

A hand set on my shoulder and i turned, seeing a familier, smiling, face.

"Steven!" The now 19 year old boy ran a hand through his black hair.

"My old man giving you trouble again, lapis?" He joked, laughing a little.

"Ha, Trouble? Phhhh I've dealt with much worse than you're homophobic father."

His smile faded a bit. "Yeah.... I uh... I'm sorry about that. He's always been that way." He tried to brighten his smile again, but it didn't really work.

"It's not your fault. And besides, im a big girl, I can handle it." I smiled back at him.

I always found it strange how such a sweet boy could come from such a horrible man. Steven was known by everyone, having grown up chasing story's with his dad.

But the difference was, he treated everyone with a smile and a laugh.

It was really contagious.

"So you DID write about the festival?" He said, his relaxed smile returning.

"Yeah, but I guess it wasn't much good."

Suddenly his face looked a bit devios. He placed his hand back on my shoulder.

"Well don't sweat it, cause I got you a once in a lifetime story. Courtesy of your Best friend."

I laughed a little as he bowed. "What do you mean?"

He smiled up at me.

"Lets just say, a certain buddy got you assigned to an agent with a old dead case."

My face lit up. "You got me... a cop case?"

He sighed. "No not cop.an agency case."

"Wait how?!.... the agency is super shutlip and secretive!?"

He smiled. "I was owed a few favours....."

I hugged him. "I can't believe you DID this! For me!" I backed away with a huge smile on my face.

"Lapis, I know you needed it. Plus I would feel bad if none of your stories got into a paper."

He winked at me.

I punched his arm playfully. "You are literally the best person ever."

We both laughed as i starting thinking.

What kindof case? Dangourus? Small crime?

Were the diamond gangs involved?

How was I supposed to act?

But most of all, who was the agent I got to meet?

[A/N It's 1 am and I'm tired but I'm trash and i feel the need to just post twenty chapters.]

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