I'm sorry.

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Lapis POV

Peridot looked upset. Not quite mad, but definitely not fine. And as the chief motioned to the door, I couldn't help but notice she looked kindof defeated.

She said nothing, and turned, opening the door.

"Of course, sir." She held it open, and Steven walked out, but not before giving a small nod.

I followed him, still nervous. Peridot walked past us and towards a office room, not bothering to motion us to follow.

Steven turned to me.

"Are you... okay?" He gave me a half concerned, half "I'm sorry" face.

I sighed. "Yeah... But I don't think peridot likes me very much. I wouldn't blame her." I held my hand over my eyes. "I can't believe I thought she was a guy..."

I heard him giggle. "Don't worry. She's had people do worse. And she's probably just... nervous. This IS her first case."

I looked up, surprised. "What?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she's been doing desk work for like... 3 months I think?" He crossed his arms. "I think she's just worried about not messing up."

I looked down a bit. I felt a little bad about this, sure I wanted the story, but maybe it was a little too much pressure...

I sighed, and Steven patted my head, as i looked up he smiled.

"I have to get back to the news building. And I think it'd be good for you to follow her. Talk it out. I promise, she's nice."

He started walking toward the elevator. Leaving me alone.

No, not alone. I looked up towards the door peridot had entered.

Alright lapis, let's get awkward. I walked over, slowly pushing the door open and looking inside.

Peridot was leaning back in her office chair, breathing slowly. I couldn't help but look her over. She did seem stressed.

"I'm not in the mood for bad puns or your attempts at cheering me up, Amy... not today..." she didn't move though.

Amy? It must be a coworker or something. I stepped in closing the door. At this, she opened her eyes, and looked at me.

"Sorry... I dont... really... do puns." I gave her a weak smile.

She blushed a little, realizing her mistake. She looked down, rubbing her face in her hands, I assume either trying to stop her face from getting red, or an attempt to calm down.

I heard her sigh and i shifted awkwardly. Should i... say something else? Stay put? Leave...

She suddenly stood up, half marching over to me, her face expressionless.

I was a little frightened, what was she...?

She stuck out her hand, completely straight, offering a hand shake.

"NO, i... I'm the one who should be sorry. I was a little rude yesterday..." her face changed into a slightly uncomfortable one, looking slightly away.

I smiled. How cute. I lifted my own hand and lightly gripped hers. She turned back, looking surprised I actually shook her hand.

"I did knock on your door at 8:00 at night."

I giggled a little.

Our hands were still together., and when she saw this she slowly pulled hers away. I saw a very slight smile on her face.

"I..." I tried to think of something else to say, anything. But it was just like yesterday. I just kindof stared.

"I guess we're...partners?" I managed to say, a little relieved there wasn't too big of a awkward moment.

She looked up at me. Her smile was gone, but she didn't look upset either. Just... confused.

"How'd you even get that to WORK?" She asked. "It's not everyday a journalist gets into the agency, let alone assigned a case."

I suddenly realized that her look was one of genuine curiosity, and I giggled.

"Journalists never reveal their secrets." I gave her a small wink, which I prayed to the Lord's didn't come off as flirty.

She tilted her head, like a puppy. God why was she so cute? And why am I so gay?

"I thought that was magicians?" I couldn't hold back a snort of laughter. She blushed and crossed her arms.

"What? What's so funny?"

I wiped a small tear out of my eye.

"Sorry... ha it's just..." I laughed a little more, eventually regaining my posture.

"Sorry its... nothing" I was still smiling though, and she raised an eyebrow.

We stayed like that for a sec, before she gave a small shrug and a sigh, walking back to her desk.

"I hope you realize that this won't be very interesting right away..." she looked up. "I dont have very much to go on, and it takes time..."

I nodded, walking over and sitting on the edge of the desk. "Im a patient person."

She let a full smile out this time, and gave a small huff, almost a laugh, while sitting down and turning back to some paper on her desk.

I relaxed a little, watching her work for a sec, before going to sit in a chair towards the corner, I started making small notes, mostly just a summery of the original events of the case.

I glanced up every now and then though.

Watching that adorable dork.

[A/N Anyone catch my reference? (From another cartoon) also I'm gonna try and start doing some fluff in the next few chapters, emphasis on try.

WE'RE ALMOST TO 100 VIEWS! I'm so happy. I actually took a screenshot of when we reached 69... for... reasons.


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