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Peridot POV.

My stomach dropped as Casper stood, cracking his knuckles. I kept standing tall, but I was terrified.

Why did I have to go and do that? I was so ticked that he kept flirting with lapis and ignoring me. And now I had angered a giant.

He swung first. I managed to slide out of the way, and my instincts took over.

Oh He might have buffness and raw power, but he was drunk, and kinda slow.


I jabbed him in the side with my hand, causing him to yell, as he whipped around to face me. His eyes were narrowed, his nostrils flaring.

I punched him in the face. I barely did anything, other than hurt my hand, I backed up as he came and swung again, this time, hitting me in the stomach.

Fuck. He was faster than I thought.

I doubled over, groaning in pain, as he began kicking me. With every hit I felt weaker and closer to being passed out.

But I felt the kicking stop, and I heard struggles. I managed to look up as my vision faded, to see the woman, Gina, as well as the other bartenders, pulling Casper away.

And as closed my eyes, I could hear lapis calling my name.


Lapis POV (wiggles brows)

I groaned, struggling to help peridot up the stairs to her apartment. She was lighter then I expected, but was still pretty heavy.

I now had a burning hatred for Casper. He didn't stop, if Gina and the bartenders hadn't been there.... I shuddered.

Peri hadn't moved, but I could see the small rise and fall of her chest. I had decided it would be best for me to just take her home, but I couldn't leave her alone like this.

I set her down next to the door, and patted her until I managed to find a set of keys.

It took me a good 15 minutes to go through each key and find the one that opened her apartment. I was agitated, and this was not helping. I lifted peridot back up and walked in, closing the Door behind me, and i placed her gently on the couch.

I had been so scared, but she was alive, and the cops had dragged Casper away for assault. I doubt it would teach him anything, but I felt a little safer knowing he couldn't get to me, or Peri.

I flopped onto the couch, moving her legs onto my lap, before I leaned back. Today was not what I expected, and I didn't feel like moving at all.

It was about thirty minutes later when I felt Peri move, and I shot up, looking at her as she rubbed her head.

"Peri! Oh thank god you're awake!" I couldn't help it, my words simply tumbled out as she sat up, facing me.

" im.. I'm fi... wait..." she looked me in the eyes. "peri?"

I felt myself blush. God DAHMIT I had to open my mouth.

"Uh..." I was frozen, while she looked at me.

But she laughed. I hadn't expected it, she was laughing, happy tears comeing down her face. It was so sweet, I couldn't help but smile.

She winced as her laughing calmed down to occasional "heh's".

"Oww... God why does everything hurt?" She layed back down and I moved to her side, off of the couch.

"Do you want some Advil... or... pain meds?" I asked, having no idea if Peri even had them in her apartment.

She let out a sigh, wincing again, and nodded. "Uh... cabinet, just to the left of the fridge, there should be a... a uh, gray box... thing." I nodded and went into the kitchen, it took me a minute but I finally found the box and carried it back out to the small living room.

She watched me as i came around the couch, setting the box on her coffee table and sitting on the floor next to it.

"Lapis?" I turned to look at her, still wincing a little. "It's alright Peridot, just give me a sec to find them" I was going to turn back to the box, but her hand grabbed my wrist gently before I could.

We just stared at eachother, I couldn't help but soften at her brilliant green eyes, I scooted closer and patted her shoulder.

"You're gonna be fine, peridot."

She looked back up at me, a even softer expression on her face, which shocked me a little. She smiled.

"Call me Peri."

[A/N geez guys, over 200 VEIWS now... (fangirls)

Which is why I'm sad to say, I don't have any more written up chapters. Now this by no means means I'm stopping. I'm just kinda on a little block.

I may not be updating EVERY day, although I will try, and I've decided from now I'm just gonna post a chapter when I finish it.

I also have 2 new stories I'm working on, each with more than 4 chapters already written.

One is another lapidot FANFIC, and the other is just another story I have in my head (kinda like Life is a Wonderful Mess)

So watch out for more of my wonderful garbage.

I want to thank you guys again I didn't think this many people would care about this story, and I'm so amazed and soooo happy.

Love you beautiful people 😚]

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