Interrogation Part 2

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Lapis POV.

The ride was calm. I had to sit up straight, which was kindof annoying since I wanted to lay my head on peridots shoulder, but I suppose the Helmet was better for safety.

When me and Peri finally got to the place, it was nothing like I expected. It looked like a simple office building. But with a solid brick wall around it, as well as some barbwire on top.

Peridot parked after showing her badge to an entrance guard, and we removed our helmets.

"This place is... surprisingly nice." Peridot huffed. "Yeah, this is still pretty high security considering. Plus it's not actually a prison... it's a holding facility built by the agency."

Peridot smiled back at me. "It looks more like a prison inside." She set the Helmets down on the bike seats, and walked up to the door. I trailed a bit, not wanting to get lost.

Once inside I could see peridot was right. The walls were a plain grayish white, and everything was pretty bare. Other than the woman sitting behind the... check in? Counter... thing, no one was there.

"Agent Peridot Greene and reporter Lapis Lazuli, we're here to see Casper Qoures?" Peridot made it sound formal, and the woman nodded. She slid some sort of pad towards peridot.

"Fingerprint identification please." Peri put her thumb onto it, and a small blue light appeared on the top, after a second, it turned green and peridot slid it back.

"Holding cell 23, should be down hallway 2." Peridot thanked her, made sure I was being her, and then proceeded.

We passed a door, and stopped at the second. Peridot groaned and put her hand on a scanner, which I assumed was a double measure for getting in.

It beeped and the door opened. Peri turned and nodded, signaling me to go in. I nodded back. "Do you think he'll actually talk?"

Peridot shrugged. "I can only hope. Right now it's all we got..." her voice trailed off a bit. I let my slight smile fade, and I poked her hand. She turned, looking at her hand then back up to me.

"Well, I'm sure you'll find something. There can't just be nothing..." I gave her a small smile.

She stared at me for a sec, and I saw a light hint of blush as she turned back forward. "I-i think this is it..."

It was cute how such a simple thing made her blush, but I didn't press.

There were actually two doors, about half a foot apart, and the number 23 was printed on one, Observe on the other. Peri opened the Observe door first, and I followed her inside.

It was a little dark, but just to the right, there was a sort of window, and I stared. Casper was on the other side, tapping his foot and twiddling with his fingers while sitting on a bed. The rest of the room was bare except for a table in the center, and a sortoff... pull up bar? In the corner for what lapis assumed was either for restraint or workouts.

Peridot set her forearm on the glass, staring with a blank expression at the buff man on the other side. I was about to speak, but she beat me to it.

"He... he can't see us from this side. One way glass." She turned back to Me, coughing nervously. "I... I think I'd prefer you stay in here..." she looked at me for a second more. "And not... not just because he's dangorous... last time we spoke you were a kindof distraction..."

I saw her face heat up a bit. Not out of embaressment... from anger. She was glancing between me and Casper.

She wanted me to understand... and I held in my instinct to giggle. She didn't want him flirting with me. She was jealess...

I forced a small smile. "Ok. But.. be careful? Not that I'd mind nursing you back to health again..." I let my smile widen and peridot rolled her eyes

"Yeah yeah... I will." The last part was serious, and she brushed my hand as she exited.

I shifted on my feet. All these hints at things couples do. Our hands brushing... I so badly wanted to hold her hand. But I couldn't. Not in public.

It hurt slightly, but I knew it was best. Besides...

I glanced up to see peridot open the door and step inside.

This was time to be serious.

[ ah finally the writers block cleared up.

I planned to do the Interragation this chapter but I want to post and it's long enough.

So the actual Interragation is next chapter, and I'm gonna surprise you guys ;)


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