Boxes and Guns and Bad Guys

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Being trapped inside a box (a coffin, basically) for hours on end, and only being let out if I begged to go to the bathroom or if that bastard wanted to talk to me again is terrible. I wondered if this is how high security prisons are. Similar, I bet. Just nothingness, for hours. 

Nothing except your thoughts.

Thoughts of loved ones.

Peridot, obviously, I ached for. I missed her. But other family members. Even long dead ones. I took it as I was starting to miss even visiting their graves. How strange. 

This whole things started flashing through my mind. The paper, the partnership, the woods, feelings, awkwardness, Casper, Peri, Amy, me…

Months of this building up. And I was either going to die here any day now, or be sold. Or atleast, I thought that was a reasonable conclusion. Slavery. Sex slavery. I'd seen so many stories. I didn't even know what these people truly did. 

We're they a mafia? Did they deal with people AND drugs? Or is this some government thing? I wanted to doubt it, but conspiracy's were everywhere.

And because of all this alone time, for thought, I could think every scenario through. 

And what hope did I have? Peridot had been so angry over that phone…  but if she truly had quit and been taken off the case, how would she even find me… and how many guns would be waiting if she did?

Heavy footsteps and deep sounding laughter came and went. Guards I could only assume. Grunts. Assholes. Big men with big muscles and equally big guns.

I couldn't help but chuckle under my breath. This felt like a videogame. I was the captures princess, captured by the evil king and heavily guarded. And Peridot would be the knight or the hero, coming to burst in any moment to save me.

I smiled. She would. 

Or, she'd try.

I thought again of this whole situation. What if I hadn't taken Stevens offer? What if we'd never become partners? Never met? Would Casper had been violent? Would Peridot still be working, and have gone to the party? Would she have fought her brother in a fit of anger and jealousy? Would I have still been writing mediocre news stories to please my boss? Or… wait no, Steven took over anyway.

I thought. About how much different my life and her life would be.

And I thought, would we have been better off? Safer? Happier? 

But I wouldn't have traded all of it for anything. Even being here, waiting to die or be sold. Even with Peridot angry and likely searching hopelessly for me.

And I felt selfish for that. But I regretted none of our time together. 

I flinched when I heard sudden gunfire. A single shot.

But even more alarming, a sudden uproar of shouting and more bullets that followed.

My stomach dropped. Fear settling in. The sound didn't stop. And footsteps ran by, radio chatter, silence. Gunfire. Footsteps. Radiochatter. Loud. Loud. Loud.



Peridot POV.

The building looked fancy and clean. Cliche for a gang or a mafia. I chuckled a bit about it, and stepped out of the car.

I had never carrying more guns and ammunition in my life. 3 pistols, each with three clips worth of bullets. A shotgun, and a AK. Body armor and a combat knife. The agency had only permitted a single handgun, and though I felt powerful, nerves bit at me.

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